Let's touch on Easter for a moment, how do you feel and how do you respond to people who say I believe in God, I believe in Christ, I'm a Christian but I cannot accept the Resurrection as a historical fact when I know you regard it as the heartbeat of Christianity?
Chancellor Merkel, if I could ask you, do you believe NATO was mistaken in getting involved militarily in Libya?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Chancellor Merkel Press Conference
"Given that you do not have a record on which to be proud, I do not believe you have the credibility to suggest the ways in which the NHS can move forward today, " he wrote.
So even if you don't believe in the severity of climate change, as I do, you still should want to pursue this agenda.
Specifically, this book that I am holding in my hand, do you believe this book?
If you believe, as I do, in free, competitive markets, that TBTF rate advantage is repugnant.
You have to pay for protection on the downside in good years, but the premium for this insurance policy is not particularly high if you believe, as I do, that we live in a world of heightened Knightian risk.
If you believe in the right to bears arms, like I do, but think we should prevent an irresponsible few from inflicting harm -- stand up.
And I said that if you stand with me and believe in what we can do together, if you do what civil rights groups like the National Action Network have always done, if you put your shoulder to the wheel of history, then we can move this country toward the promise of a better day.
While I am a card-carrying member of the glass-is-at-least-half-full club and you may find it hard to believe, I actually do have friends that regularly reside in the bear camp.
I, again, don't have tomorrow's schedule in front of me, but I believe that he'll do some of the practicing that you talk about, as well as continuing to write and work through different sections of the speech.
Do you realise that since nineteen eight-five, I believe it is, we have lost in this city nearly ten thousand people.