"The fact is we do not ask our officers to perform duties outside of accepted diplomatic practice, " he said.
"They do not ask airlines from America or Europe for all this information, " grumbles Feda Mohammad Fedawi, Kam Air's vice president.
If a pill cures a headache, we do not ask too often if the headache might have gone away by itself.
But they do not ask for brain scans of the type used by neuroscientists in Cambridge and Ontario to search for hidden awareness.
"Tuvaluans do not ask much, neither goods nor money, " he says.
Please do not ask why, but in Tarpon Springs, Greek restaurants started hiding a dollop of potato salad inside a regulation Greek salad - now you can find this odd combination throughout central Florida.
Check out the cost of the bulb from the manufacture (do not ask the salesman) and if the cost of the service plan is less then one bulb, buy at least a short two-year warranty.
"I was in South Sudan a few weeks ago and the population there are not asking for a shelter, although they need one, and they do not ask for food, although they need it, but they ask for an education".
That's the way to ensure that in dealing with our fiscal challenges, we do not ask, as the Republican plan does, that the burden of meeting those challenges falls solely on middle-class Americans, seniors, the parents of children with disabilities, and others.
They chat with the gallery owners and their staff and often do not even ask about the prices.
FORBES: What FIAC's Success Says About The Art Market - And Those Who Invest In It
"I do not like to ask people to do such things and in such a way, " Golz went on.
According to company by-laws they do not have to ask for shareholders' opinion on the Severstal deal at all.
Do not be afraid to ask broadly, as long as you can be specific about what you need.
FORBES: Informational Interviews Are Not Just For Junior Job Seekers
Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what's for lunch.
Ask not what your cardholder can do for you, ask what they expect you to do for them.
Do not be fooled for I ask you not to pretend that the provision loans to UK business will be transformed.
With respect to my vacation, I would not ask anybody to do something I'm not willing to do myself.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Confirming Richard Cordray
But if you ask people who do not have a house or people who do not have enough to eat - they don't say such things.
"We would ask that customers do not phone in to report these dips and only contact us if their electricity is completely off, " added Ms Carson.
We're going to ask everybody to participate, but I am not going to ask the middle class to do more than it has already done.
CNN: Clinton's November 19, 2007, speech on economic challenges
Facebook's IPO is just proof that if you want something valued, you should not ask a bank to do it.
Not only do professional standards of care ask us to always do and record an adequate informed consent process, we are also prohibited from abandoning people, perhaps especially when treatments fail?
FORBES: Apple Boots 'Gay Cure' App. A Pyrrhic Victory for Gay Rights?
In other words, they are learning many of the same things that people do, except they do not get tired or sick, never ask for a raise and when they get too old to function effectively, their hardware can be replaced.
Thus, a potential insider trader does not ask himself: if I do this crime, will I go to prison for 2 years or 10 years?
FORBES: Is the Current Wave of Insider Trading Cases a Deterrent to Others?
My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
FORBES: 8 Public Speaking Lessons from 57 Inaugural Speeches: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Please do not use the USB key, and we ask that you return it to IBM at Reply Paid 120, PO Box 400, West Pennant Hills 2120.
FORBES: IBM Distributes Malware-Infected USB Sticks At Security Conference
Workers nationwide are being asked to pay for more, and it is unreasonable for public employees to think that taxpayers are not going to ask them to do the same.
The question we have to begin to ask ourselves is not how do we employ all the people who are rendered obsolete by technology, but how can we organize a society around something other than employment?
It seems fair to ask what would happen if taxpayers do not rescue General Motors .