Migrants do not increase America's (low) unemployment figures, partly because they cannot claim welfare.
Banks that do not increase small business lending in the first two years pay a 7% dividend.
Americans, though, buck the conventional wisdom that average levels of happiness do not increase as a society gets richer.
It's a fact that rates of unprotected sex do not increase when there is more access to emergency contraception.
The Met's simulcasts did not work in French cities without an opera house, so they do not increase opera's fan base.
ECONOMIST: New York��s Metropolitan Opera has pioneered a new model
The vast majority of people will be best off if they do not increase their weight or waistline after age 20.
So the choices are basically balance the budget, defund regulations and do not increase revenues, or balance the budget, fund regulations and include an increase in revenues.
FORBES: How Our Largest Corporations Made $170 Billion During Great Recession And Paid No Taxes
While studies have shown testosterone replacement therapies do not increase the likelihood of developing the cancer, they can encourage tumor growth if a patient already has it.
And subsidies are not accounted for to Congress like other items of public spending because the loans are backed by assets from borrowers, so they do not increase net public debt.
Our federal government continues to have a ban on federal dollars to needle exchange programs that have been proven to reduce HIV infections in black communities and do not increase drug use.
Interestingly enough, the proposals do not necessarily increase the visas offered but rather distribute existing visa allotments differently.
So, while serum levels do not always increase, they did for a very short, brief snapshot (reflected in the 25% increase) but long term those 2 metals are tied up, (if they got past the low pH bonding expulsion out of the body) in the inhibition pathways for cell synthesis of cholesterol.
The problem with claims is that you need premium income to cover them--but policyholders do not like a rate increase and neither do the politicians they send to the state legislature.
Instead of limiting what promotion companies can do, why not increase the power of the FDA's megaphone?
But rising house prices do not represent an increase in wealth for a country as a whole.
"If we do not see an increase in rainfall then we will have to seriously consider actions such as applying for the drought order, " said a spokesman.
BBC: Drought concern follows Dumfries and Galloway dry spell
These interventions had effects that cannot be disentangled in our data, but still they do not explain the increase in the lending deposit ratio with respect to domestic banks.
From the beginning, we made clear that most small businesses would be exempt from the employer responsibility requirement, because we do not want to increase the burden on small business.
Most managers of enterprises, at least when talking in private, do not foresee an increase in profits or revenues this year, so a marginal reduction in lending rates looks like it will be ineffective.
FORBES: China Tries to Rescue the Economy, Depositors May Say "No"
If component shipments do not experience a significant increase by late October, the component makers believe that there will not be any growth in the demand for notebooks in the fourth quarter.
Please understand, we do not see a threefold increase in the money supply via the private banking system, here and now.
FORBES: Monetary Watch June 2011, Inflation prospects post QE II
However, prices remain far below levels from mid-2010, and we do not expect prices to increase enough to materially affect our estimates.
Falling gasoline prices do not motivate consumers to increase overall spending, but it does allow them to spend on a wider variety of items which is good for the economy.
For example, when American firms outsource call-centre and information-technology-support jobs to India and other Asian countries, the result should be higher imports of services, yet official statistics do not show such an increase.
ECONOMIST: Are official statistics exaggerating America's growth?
That is why farm-trade restrictions do not cut poverty, but increase it.
However, in the UK, the answer is almost certainly yes, we do want to reduce, not increase, the number of those getting degrees.
But the truth is that under the 1996 welfare reform law, states and Governors do not need a waiver to increase work for those on welfare.
FORBES: Bill Clinton Fed His Flock Democratic Daydreams And Fairy Tales
How does that look for the U.S.? I do not expect servicing costs to increase significantly: there are still plenty of buyers at treasury auctions and the Federal Reserve can always be forced to step in with Operation Twist or QE3.
FORBES: Government And People Are Both Spendthrifts With Credit Cards
They explain that broadcasting the pictures would get them into trouble - they say that they do not want to do anything to increase tension with their Islamic neighbour.
But senior folk I have spoken to from at least two of the major ratings agencies do not seem to think a modest increase in borrowing, linked to higher investment, would be a major problem.