Investors do not regard assets in different currencies as perfect substitutes, nor do exchange rates always reflect inflation differentials.
The Beatles, who no longer tour, do not regard music sales as loss leaders for more profitable concerts, as many bands do.
Most Americans, though they do not like taxes, do not regard Mr Obama as a raging leftist, and the tactic smacks of the McCain-Palin ticket's desperation.
ECONOMIST: John McCain thinks he can win, but too few voters agree
While we acknowledge that investors do not have perfect foresight with regard to which companies will grow in the future, we cannot think of a better group from which to crowdsource the vote.
FORBES: Frequently Asked Questions About The Innovation Premium
It's rather amazing that there have been numerous stories that said this was the Pentagon's effort to replace the CIA and I can assure you that we do not hold the CIA in such low regard that we think we could replace them with two people.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
To have our schools of communication (fairly new institutions) teaching technique as the do without regard for theory is tragic, though not unique to this discipline.
Shia leaders in the Gulf are keenly aware of the suspicion with which many regard them, and argue convincingly that they do not want to see an Iranian-style Islamist state emerge in Iraq or elsewhere.
It was also the first inkling that South Africans might not regard the Big Mac with the same reverence that Americans do.
This is not to say they should be freed of all responsibility in this regard: shareholders do need some incentive to ensure that their employees are working within the law.
With regard to spending, not only did massive spending increases under George W. Bush do nothing to stimulate economic growth, they offended many Americans--irrespective of party--who feel budget deficits loom as an economic millstone around our collective necks.
With regard to recommendations that certain IGs be Presidentially-appointed and Senate-confirmed, I do not believe such a change would affect the performance of IGs that are not Presidentially-appointed and Senate-confirmed.
So I say to you, hold Brand X in the regard it deserves, and toast the folks that envisioned its creation and inception, but do not limit yourself to the potential that such a lovely brand X can bring into a cocktail.
FORBES: The Myth of the Top Shelf: Thinking Outside the bottle
It is understood the commission has not ruled with regard to loyalist flag protest marches because legal advice indicates it does not have the power to do so.