"Starting salaries do not tell you a whole lot, but there is a real divergence in dollar terms as you go over the course of a career, " says Al Lee, director of quantitative analysis at PayScale.com.
Another is that the referrals and technology do not always tell you anything at all.
We often expose statistics in the news, but we do not always tell you what we had to do to get there.
"But do not tell him that you have three more transplant surgeons to meet, " Michaelson instructed in his e-mail.
Your employer is not going to tell you whether you should do an in-plan Roth conversion or not.
FORBES: Roth 401(K) Conversions For All Thanks To Fiscal Cliff Deal
Do you want them to tell you whether or not they're going to attack Iran?
We want to make it a little easier on you all -- not just tell you what to do and what you should look like, but help you with some resources so that it doesn't feel so impossible.
Mr. ZARIF: The sponsors tell you that they do not trust our intentions, but the problem is that their intentionometer has a rather abysmal record of chronic malfunction.
"Using your life's savings for a film is exactly what they tell you not to do, " he says, recalling the advice he got from friends in the film industry.
"There's still lots and lots of things to do and I'm not going to tell you that if you come and live in Caia Park, you'll be living in Utopia, you're not, " she said.
BBC: Communities First anti-poverty scheme shake-up concerns
At the risk of oversimplifying things (which, by nature, I do not mind doing), I will tell you that I am the part of your brain which deals most directly with the production and processing of fear.
If you do, then perhaps you should counsel whomever approved this article to tell their own daughters not to reach for their goals of becoming doctors, lawyers, scientists, astronauts, and all the other amazing professions that make society what it is today.
Now, in reaching balance, let me tell you what we did not do.
WHITEHOUSE: Franklin D. Raines Testimony to House Budget Committee, 02/03/1998 | The White House
So that, yes, indeed you are able to do certain things with your property as you wish and other people can't tell you what to do and what not to do.
While I do not know the particulars of your situation, I can tell you that many teens in my practice voice dissatisfaction with certain aspects of their bodies so you are definitely not alone.
And I will tell you that honestly and absolutely, I do not have a recollection of actually saying that.
And if you have an idea for a business that you are not going to do anything with, tell me.
FORBES: Looking For An Idea For A New Business? Steal One of These!
But I can tell you what they are not likely to do under the current rules: bring that cash back home.
FORBES: Election Fallout: Will Tech Cash Piles Remain Trapped Overseas?
We do not, at this moment, have information to suggest or to tell you that would indicate that any of this unrest was preplanned.
And as anyone who has followed the news in the last six months can tell you, getting Congress to do anything these days is not an easy job.
"I'm not going to tell you exactly what we're going to do, " said a secretive hedge fund manager.
Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: if you do not control your own destiny, you put your future in the hands of a stranger.
The switch to having you, the adult child tell your parent what to do is not an easy switch.
"We went in to it with the attitude that we make video games not movies, so we won't tell you guys how to do your business but we expect what we do to be good, " he says.
For that, maybe you just call Iola into a room and tell him not to do it again.
FORBES: Stockbroker Fined And Suspended For Using Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
Not only do you have this two year warranty, people are very careful indeed to tell you that you do have it.
FORBES: Apple is fined ��900,000 over European Union Warranty Laws
Unless you really get along with somebody, those people will do their absolute best to tell you the same boring things they tell everybody in order to not make any mistakes and get in trouble with their publicists.
Now, here's a tip: When a politician tells you that he's going to tell you what he's going to do after the election, but he can't tell you now, it's not because the plan is so good that he doesn't want to let you in on it.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Ohio University, Athens, OH