But do not worry, all the familiar Oktoberfest trappings will still be there as well.
Those of you that are new to trading, do not worry, we have all gone through it.
Even they disagree about the actual risks, though, and most of us do not worry about runaway atomic colliders.
Unlike bricks-and-mortar businesses, web-based firms do not worry if their ad is being seen by lots of people in towns where they have no shops.
That the issue did not catch fire with voters - most of whom do not worry much about international flights - does not negate the notion.
If you do not worry unduly about the detailed meaning of the story (or those ravens), you will find in this opera a brilliant work about discovery.
But do not worry: the trusty B61 bus stops just around the corner on Beard Street to bring you back to civilization (namely, the rest of Brooklyn and subway connections).
Concerns about his form for Liverpool do not worry me and I would dismiss any notion that he is saving himself for the World Cup, as has been suggested to me.
If you do not have any friends that would be interested in recommending good reads do not worry, there are plenty of recommendations from existing site users available on your profile page.
"Older individuals taking bisphosphonates for the treatment of osteoporosis do not need to worry about esophageal cancer, and physicians should not withhold ... bisphosphonates because of esophageal cancer risk, " says Lane, who was not involved in the research.
They do not have to worry about how many people the vendor needs to complete a project.
UPM's Mr Niemela, is being built by family firms that do not have to worry about their share prices.
Granted, China has plenty of important companies which do not need to worry about their business disappearing to other emerging economies.
Stripe also handles all of the security, so that companies do not need to worry about becoming experts in online payments security.
FORBES: Stripe Launches Stripe Connect To Let Users Accept Online Payments
Thus, Fed officials do not have to worry about commodity prices.
FORBES: Why Mr. Bernanke Doesn't Seem to Be Concerned about Rising Commodity Prices
Developers do not need to worry about another version of each application they code, which reduces the work-load of the initial coding, the burden of ongoing support.
FORBES: Why The iPad Mini Consolidates Apple's Place In The Mobile Gaming World
Maybe, argues the same brander, it is because banks make so much money that they do not have to worry about business strategies, without which good branding is impossible.
ECONOMIST: Banks are trying to develop better brands. About time too
By sticking with the declarative model, Drupal Gardens can upgrade layers of software in the background with minimal disruption to the users, who do not have to worry about upgrades.
The prices are visible only to the person who purchases it so brands do not have to worry about their brand being seen as heavily discounted and diluting its street price.
It is actually a little easier for C corporations, which generally do not have to worry about at-risk and the passive activity loss rules, but the Third Circuit is cutting Pitnery Bowes off before they even get there.
FORBES: Pitney Bowes Passes Go From Boardwalk But Lands On Income Tax
Gamers do not have to worry about excess heat while having all of their settings cranked up, keeping the laptop cool is accomplished by an efficient and quiet design using a larger, single omni-directional blower fan and dual heat pipe and heat sink system, minimizing the noise and increasing the efficiency over other designs that utilize two smaller and louder blowers.
ENGADGET: Maingear announces Nomad 15 gaming laptop: small in size, big on specs
Airbus and Boeing do not have much to worry about yet, but China's aviation industry is developing rapidly and the goal of building a wide-bodied airliner is not out of the question.
But EU countries which do not use the euro would worry about being relegated to second class.
Not only do you need to worry about exploding batteries, a new article in London's Daily Mail claims that "girls as young as 12 are being diagnosed with nerve damage" from slouching over laptop screens.
ENGADGET: Laptops are dangerous / not dangerous: back pain edition