"If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have said anything, " Newton says.
Not surprisingly, the two were thrilled at the prospect of getting a do over.
That's going to be the most important thing that we can do over the long term.
And just think of what this agency has been able to do over the last four decades.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Environmental Protection Agency Staff | The White House
Getting into DRIP and direct purchase plans is easy to do over the telephone and on the Web.
"When you read my book, you realize I practice everything I do over and over again, " she told CNN.
The technology Corero is introducing tracks the behavior of all the possible attackers and watches what they do over time.
So did her reluctance to admit error, as many primary voters urged her to do over her Iraq war vote.
And that is precisely what those of you in Congress have tried to do over the several -- past several months.
So most of you have contributed to the campaign, but there is more than you can do over the next 29 days.
Holder testified later before a Republican-controlled Congress and acknowledged if he had it to do over again, he would have handled it differently.
It's for each individual to make up their own minds as they do over things like the death penalty, abortion and so on.
But what could be more naturally strange than plucking bones from your mouth, as Marina and Spyros do over bowls of fish soup?
"The same thing you can do over a LAN with AppleScript, you can now do securely over the Internet with OS 9, " Jobs said.
But we got a lot of work to do over here, because they keep getting better and better around the world because of this game.
CNN: A whole new ball game: Hoop star Wade's soccer admission
If there is a pattern of miscarriages, then changes have to be made, as Britain itself has struggled to do over the past few years.
Worse still, it required a bunch of manual updating to keep it current, a clerical job that I was increasingly loath to do over the years.
So, if you have stocks that were showing modest gains as of Jan. 1, wait and see how well they do over the next 19 months.
And that's what we've tried to do over the last 19 months, in the midst of the worst financial crisis that we've seen since the Great Depression.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Talks with Virginia Families on the Economy | The White House
How much you'll receive each month when you start to draw down your annuity will then depend on how your variable or fixed investments do over time.
If there is enough to see and do over more than one day, other businesses such as restaurants and hotels and guest houses will benefit therefore boosting Dover's economy.
One that seemed to check off all the things the Penguins need to do over the next two months if they want to bookend the Cup they won in 2009.
If one of the fundamentals of the economy is America's workers, we need to invest in them, something that we have failed to do over the past two decades.
But ultimately, tech companies compiling and using all this data is no different than what consumers have allowed financial services companies to do over recent decades with credit card data.
FORBES: Topix CEO: Local Media Future is More of Our "Crap," No Privacy
"I'm talking to all of the players this week and looking ahead to what we can do with them and what we need them to do over the summer, " he added.
In reality, many charter schools cater to the well-to-do over the poor, and are structured in such a way as to harvest the best students while leaving under-achievers behind in the public system.
FORBES: Suburban Schools and American Public Opinion on Education