As most of his stocks are covered by few or no analysts, Dedio has to do his own work, meeting with managers, interviewing customers and reading product reviews.
The study found that doctors' practices that do their own lab work bill the federal Medicare program for analyzing 72% more prostate tissue samples per biopsy while detecting fewer cases of cancer than counterparts who send specimens to outside labs.
So, there is a lot of sense in having pretty smart endpoints, which can do work on their own behalf and share that work with cloud-based services that can generate value for everyone: information that can be read at a glance by any driver with a smartphone.
Users start to be able to do more of their own work without IT intervention.
Many desire consulting careers that allow them to do satisfying work on their own terms.
And because the stone is lightweight, a couple of do-it-yourselfers can often do the work on their own.
As a rule, so far as public companies are concerned, managers do not own the firms they work for.
O'Dell's longest-serving assistant has been with her ten years, and yet she says she does not feel she could do the work on her own.
The people who do them tend to work on their own, without much supervision.
But the folks pointing the finger at Murdoch for bad corporate governance have a lot of work to do in their own houses before they can withstand similar scrutiny.
FORBES: Union Suit Against Murdoch's News Corp Rich In Irony
We already have drones that do most of the work on their own, of course, but the report argues that human control for any lethal action is a vitally important part of the process.
After his death, Flotard took time to regroup, do some overseas aid work, start her own record label and release a wonderfully ferocious new album, Message to Garcia.
FracFocus has been a very expensive enterprise to create, and should not be held responsible or criticized for not fulfilling all the desires of anti-fracking activists who are too lazy to do a little data mining work of their own.
The lawyers then file lawsuits, hoping for a quick settlement so that they can do as little work as possible before seeing their own payday.
In the corporate world, to limit the channels through which data can escape, some companies do not allow employees to bring their own gear to work or to use memory sticks or certain online services.
If I am stuck in the office, I cannot do my own thing even if I am done with the work.
The various regional brigades that emerged at the beginning of the conflict and still do the heavy work on the frontlines are demanding their own man, while those in charge of the embryonic army being trained in Benghazi have other ideas.
Collected as "To Myself: Notes on Life, Art, and Artists, " Redon's journal entries nevertheless do not serve as a guide to the significance of his own work.
We have important bilateral relationships -- important in their own right -- and we have important work to do with regional institutions such as ASEAN and the East Asia Summit.
As individuals and firms improve in terms of their own performance, they get the opportunity to do new kinds of work, so that the whole network around the globe also increases its performance.
FORBES: When Will US Firms Become Agile? Part 1: Virtual Agility
The multiplicity of sources on the Web forces the reader to be his own editor, and not many people are inclined to do all the work of scanning a variety of the relevant sites to get a full picture.
Do you want to be self employed, to become the architect of your own work life?
What do you do when your own voice cracks or tears begin to form in public or at work?
To this day I do not know why it worked since my own analysis was that it would not work.
FORBES: Steve Wozniak: His Career Challenges, Steve Jobs, Tech Trends and Advice
That basic idea that if you work hard, no matter where you come from, no matter what you look like, no matter what the circumstances of your birth, if you work hard you can do well enough to raise a family and own a home, send your own kids to college, put a little bit away for retirement.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Student Loan Interest Rates in Colorado | The White House
"Many dads are spending far more time with their family than their own fathers did, but it is difficult for them to do more while they work such long hours, " said EOC chairwoman Julie Mellor.
Now, the truth is, the skills and training you get here will be the best tools you have to achieve the American promise -- the promise that if you work hard, you can do well enough to raise a family, own a home, send your kids to college, and put a little away for retirement.
And my career development work includes starting my own firm, which I had never expected to do.
But because Android is open source, Huawei can hire its own engineers, presumably at much lower Chinese wages, to do some of this customization work.