These considerations prompt the Center for Security Policy to conclude that, if the budget summit is not to do real violence to the economic health and security of the Nation, the only possible outcome is to slip the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings targets for FY1991 and the outyears.
Because the nation is watching what Washington is doing right now as the President is speaking about how important it is to do something to discourage the gun violence, to do away with the scourge of gun violence.
"Look, I have suffered more than most from gun violence, and I certainly want to do all I can to reduce gun violence and I understand it helps to have common sense gun laws, " she said recently on the campaign trail.
For that only gives cover, and sometimes makes an excuse, for those who do resort to violence.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly
Arafat has condemned the violence, adding that he would do everything to stop such violence.
There are reasonable things we could do to reduce gun violence while respecting the rights of law-abiding citizens to own guns.
Those that argue American sports fans do indeed love violence point to things such as (1) the precipitous increase in interest for mixed martial arts and UFC compared to boxing, or (2) the fact that hockey fans go nuts whenever 2 meat heads start fighting.
FORBES: The NFL's Concussion Crisis: Will Fan Interest in Football Eventually Diminish?
And while it may well be that background checks will ultimately do more to stop gun violence than the other two, there is simply no argument in 21st century America for anyone to own an assault weapon or magazine clips that can fire more than 10 bullets in rapid succession.
FORBES: President Obama Strikes The Right Tone On Gun Control
His greatest hope: That the will to do something about the violence does not die along with those who never had to.
The group has helped secure the peace at the Cluan Place interface and said it would continue to do all in its power to ensure that violence would not be instigated from the loyalist side.
He remembers how he felt about those who chose not to get involved in crime and violence and instead chose to do legal jobs, even if they didn't pay as much as crime.
During his 1 is 2 Many announcement last year, Vice President Biden also challenged us to think about cultural change- how do we change the attitudes that allow violence to continue?
And one of them had to do with violence because there was a string of violence.
And there are some meaningful, common-sense things that we can do to reduce gun violence in our communities at the same time respecting the rights provided by the Second Amendment of the Constitution.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
And it will be a question for all 100 members of the Senate to ask themselves about whether or not they think that voting for and supporting an assault weapons ban would actually do something to reduce gun violence in communities all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
Because while there is no law or set of laws that can prevent every senseless act of violence completely, no piece of legislation that will prevent every tragedy, every act of evil, if there is even one thing we can do to reduce this violence, if there is even one life that can be saved, then we've got an obligation to try.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Introduces a Plan to Reduce Gun Violence
"So it's really incumbent upon the Security Council members and regional states to exercise leadership and do what we can to help end the violence and get to a political transition, " the official said.
What will you do to galvanize the international community to ensure that widespread violence does not occur in Sudan this year?
Of course, pop culture can do more to put an end to this blithe acceptance of violence toward women.
Mr Khatami, trying to avoid open conflict with his political opponents, has not dared to do much, except call gently for an end to violence.
But first we turn to Chicago and the ongoing debate about what to do about gang violence there, and by extension across the country.
How do you limit their exposure to violence through the media?
FORBES: Could Too Much TV In Childhood Lead To Antisocial Behavior In Adulthood?
French President Jacques Chirac, the summit host, told reporters that the EU leaders were desperately concerned about the escalating violence and wanted to do anything they could to help to restore dialogue.
The Muslim community in particular was very quick off the mark in saying this violence has nothing to do with Islam and nothing to do with the 99.9 percent of the three million Muslims in this country who abhor such acts of brutality.
"To me it is as simple as this: I do not believe that a politician who does such violence to the lifetime savings of millions of hardworking British people can be the right prime minister for our future, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | We can beat Brown, insists Hague
To do so, Congress must make the protections in the Violence Against Women Act available to every person in this country who may ever need them.
Pearl and guitarist Jonas Stein agree the lawyers' decision had more to do with demographics than violence.
What can women do to reduce their risk of violence in the workplace?
FORBES: Workplace Violence -- the 5 Most Important Tips Women Need to Know to Protect Themselves
For those who want to do something about gun violence, change isn't easy.
He said he was proud of his record in reducing burglary but had wanted to do more to cut alcohol-related violence.