We eliminated sector funds from consideration because they tend to do well in spurts only.
"He wants Arsenal to do well and the international teams are secondary, " said Fabregas.
The first pride of a man is to do well for the guy who pays you.
My FORBES stock picks, which were chosen expecting a more vibrant market, did not do well.
Going forward, we expect the company to continue to do well at the Cotai strip.
If Iraq's forces do well, it could pave the way for more withdrawals of U.S. troops.
In Finland the True Finns party may do well in the April 17th election.
Social entrepreneurs will do well to identify ways to help their causes in sustainable, fundamental ways.
FORBES: How To Succeed At Social Entrepreneurship--Top Three Tips From a Former Corporate Exec
High-risk funds do well in up markets but get clobbered when stocks turn down.
In other words, are there investments that will do well if the economy deteriorates?
Nokia and IBM are examples of global super-caps that should do well in 2008.
Most attempts to sell in to both network and host security spaces do not do well.
If I skate to my absolute best on the day, I'm confident that I'll do well.
"America's about giving everybody a chance to do well, " he said to applause and cheers.
CNN: Obama urges students to pressure Congress on loan rates
The first two will do well if inflation returns and interest rates and commodity prices rise.
But that could change if growth begins to stall even as most neighboring economies do well.
Little Fockers was able to do well with film fans despite a number of unfavourable reviews.
Both do well in the workplace and these characteristics are about style not substance.
Marketing relies on the right amount of execution and analytics in order to do well.
FORBES: To Market, To Market Your Business During An Economic Slowdown?
Some of the planners pointed out that even in a bad market, some areas do well.
And if you're hard-working enough and smart enough at that point, you'll do well.
Brands like Ford and Chevrolet could do well selling their rides from shopping mall showrooms.
His party may do well in the Senate, where votes are calculated on a regional basis.
"He has got great potential and wants to do well, " Sturrock told the Argyle website.
And stocks will do well just as certainly, since their fate is tied to business performance.
FORBES: 'This Market Has Room To Run...Or Not?' (What The 'Experts' Are Saying Now)
Both India and Pakistan would do well to take a leaf from East Asia's book.
The concept of custom cars, beyond just choosing standard options, will probably do well in Asia.
Discount and wholesale chains also continue to do well as consumers try to stretch every dollar.
To do well in a big lineup like I did today makes me feel good.