Yet, I think it was over a quarter of the people said - do you agree that there's little you can do to prevent the onset of cancer?
And even if you have a GISAID account, as I do, you have to agree not to release the data as a condition of getting a look.
While selling your house might help you afford retirement, you may not agree on whether to sell, or where to go if you do.
These proposals and analyses do not require you to agree with the compelling scientific evidence that human activity is producing climate change.
CNN's Pedro Pinto: "Barcelona deserved to win" - do you agree?
And yet, when you cut through that rhetoric, you'd have to conclude that they do agree on key fundamentals about the economy - and even on the government's limited capacity to turn things around.
Do you agree that strong relationships are the key to happiness?
Do you agree with me that FiveFingers is a name to know in 2011?
Alternatively, if you do not agree with this interpretation, you would have to agree that personal credit cards used for business spending should not be covered by the CARD Act.
Talking of London, your candidate for London and now Tory Vice Chairman Steve Norris was saying this week very strongly that if we believe in equality and so on there is nothing against the idea of gay marriages, quote "no moral barrier to the civil registration of gay partnerships", do you agree with that, you don't, do you?
You agree to take part in any competition publicity if asked to do so.
Yet you do not have to share his taste for banning chemicals to agree with his prediction that American industry will want stricter standards to create a level playing-field at home.
If a difficulty arises, and it will eventually, do you suppose that all of those hedge fund managers will politely agree to get out one-at-a-time in a calm and orderly manner?
Do you agree or disagree that the current Medicare program should be changed to provide those eligible for Medicare with a lump sum amount of money they would use to buy healthcare insurance on the private market?
If you shift the Keeling definition of a day to the same as ours then we do agree almost completely on the measurements.
Len, do you really believe that the government bond market will regain confidence when the politicians agree to resume borrowing without closing the long-term gap by even 10%?
Most experts agree that unless you absolutely, positively need Java, the best thing that you can do is to disable it.
Question: Would you agree to scrap the U.S. nuclear deterrent, or at least commit to do so, under present and foreseeable world conditions?