Mr. PAVAROTTI: (As Giorgio Fini) Do you think I do this for my own pleasure?
So what more do you think I should do?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Makes a Statement on the Sequester
And I said to him, 'Well, do you think I should' -- I don't think I said get rid of -- I said, 'But do you think I should put away or maybe give to Betty or give to someone the gifts?
CNN: Transcript: White House Deputy Counsel Mills' statement
Do you think that it was an opportunity that -- I mean, do you think most Americans normally hear him talking about those kinds of serious subjects in the way that he was today?
You know, I misspeak, and all of us do, and I think when you do then you want to make sure that you get that cleared up.
But I think there are a variety of ways that you could do this as envisioned I think by both Republicans and Democrats.
You know, I think, you know obviously it's not, it's nothing to do with business, but I think the lottery was one where, you know, the public wanted something and they, they should have been bolder and they, they should have made sure that they delivered what they'd promised in the election manifesto.
It's hard the first time you say, 'I like this, do you think this is OK?
Do you think I should just go ahead and drop out of school now?
Do you think I could be so lucky as to score an interview with Rita?
Do you think I am making it up and that my theory is unfounded?
Ms. STATON: (Singing) But how much love do you think I can lose in one day?
Look, they're going to print it in the papers tomorrow. (Laughter.) What do you think I should get him?
Do you think I could watch her age and deteriorate without resorting to the sole remedy that exists, namely, that she should die first?
You don't have that kind of flexibility with IM, nor do I think should you - it's just the wrong medium for that kind of interaction.
ENGADGET: Interview with David E. Weekly, Founder of Coceve and
Regardless of whether you have a fiscal commission or not, understand that, as I think you all do, that the 10-year Bush tax cuts were structured so that December -- at midnight December 31, 2010, they all expire.
In terms of deterrence, you can't do much about outsiders, but I think you should try something more exotic with your condo neighbors.
WSJ: Dan Ariely's Battle Plan for a Condo's Dog Wars | Ask Ariely
And when an umpire clearly makes the wrong call, and it costs us, what do you think: I'm gonna sit on my hands?
Do you think, I have nothing to worry about?
CNN: Transcript of June 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'
But I do think you need to look at the relationship between the director general of the organisation, editorial and creative and I think that anybody but an archangel needs strong support in those areas.
You know, I want to do everything I possibly can for my own child, but I think, you know, that there's this loss of the value of learning those lessons from failure, and I think it's just getting worse, and it definitely worries me.
And I just wanted to - which of those things do you think is true and also, Hannah, I want to hear from you on this too.
You can't smack them, you have to find their currency and say 'If you do this you'll get this' and inspire them - and I think that's what all great managers do.
"You could argue it's less urgent for the state to do it, but I think you go down both tracks simultaneously ... on the off-chance that it doesn't get passed, " Cuomo said.
"You kind of can't' really think about the fact that it's ending, you have to think I still have to do all of this well, " said Kirven.