As the Blackhawk helicopter lifts off from Lafayette, the landscape below is docile, even suburban.
The docile, friendly Mr. Met--the last link to the club's original 1962 expansion days--fits the bill.
David was depicted as a docile house-husband, happy to look after Brooklyn and do the housework.
But the internet is also a series of pastures containing fairly docile digital herds.
FORBES: The Hoaxer, The Troll And The Running Of The Digital Herd
The wicket appeared surprisingly docile, but the pressure of the situation made for a tense finale.
But she insists he was a docile boy and could not commit such a heinous crime.
BBC: Family of gang rape accused 'made infamous' in home village
With docile domestic investors and a network of friendly cross-shareholdings, there was little outside pressure to restructure.
But critics say the UK is strangely docile, with a coalition that is risk-averse when it comes to Europe.
Capitalists worried gin might destabilize an economy dependent on a docile work force.
But discovering that Kermit is dating another pig now, perhaps a slightly more docile pig, inverts the whole dynamic of the relationship.
The ABS crisis has developed on the watch of a docile board, which includes prominent members of the nation's Christian churches.
After Mr Daley privatised the city's parking meters, drivers filled coin slots with glue and docile aldermen briefly located their spines.
They not only introduced alien customs and Sanskrit, but also drove most of the north's original and largely docile tribal inhabitants southward.
The powertrain delivers smooth and stunningly quick acceleration on demand, yet remains docile around town so as not to overpower a driver.
Cows that wander off are usually docile enough to be captured easily.
And as Diethelm Metzger will tell you, out here, behind that next tree may be a docile little steenbuck...or a very big leopard.
Despite a reputation for impatience, Italians are a docile bunch when faced with the shoddy and pricey service that their banks often provide.
The dog is a much more docile creature, the likely consequence of early humans preferentially working with animals they found easier to tame.
It may be humanely directed, but the ultimate price of a statutory backstop to regulation of the newspaper industry is a docile press.
After you've transformed your dog into a docile companion, see if he passes the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizen certification program.
Perhaps they cheered in a desperate effort to reassure their masters that they, unlike Henson's father, were docile and trustworthy, and harbored no thoughts of rebellion.
Chastened by the bad publicity they received ten years ago, and now cowed into submission by the war on terror, they have become respectable, even docile.
Hours earlier, Fifi was sound asleep in her crate, a red rabbit stuffed toy at her paws, looking like the most docile dog in the world.
It could also jolt Hamas out of the relatively docile role it has been playing, lending the demonstrations support and Islamic imagery but no real leadership.
First, they provide a cheap, flexible, docile workforce for producers.
By making the docile head of the players union his personal pet, your predecessor has kept the peace without giving players the kind of guarantees other pros take for granted.
FORBES: Baseball Break: The K-Rod Contract And Brian Westbrook, A Tale Of Two Leagues
"He knew he'd gone too far in the second debate, and he had to repair the damage, " says a top Gore adviser of the matchup, where the veep appeared too docile.
After admiring the lion pride, we crisscross the park's dirt roads, passing birds (there are 300 bird species in Gir), langur monkeys with whip-like tails and docile chital (Bambi-esque spotted deer).
It said the bees were a "very docile" variety.
BBC: London offices offered bee hives to 'boost work morale'
The normally docile Apple masses are growing restless.
FORBES: What 7 Million Jailbreaks Are Saying. Is Apple Listening?