Whether the devout and the doctrinaire can form a united political front is another matter, though.
Even its relatively doctrinaire Prosperous Justice Party, which tripled its share of the vote, emphasised clean government, not Islam.
He has the least doctrinaire tax plan in the Republican field, complete with tax breaks exclusively for middle-income groups.
To be sure, the most doctrinaire of Free Traders typically try to conceal their insouciance about the defense implications of their policies.
Yet there are already divisions between the most tannin-stained Republicans, who see their role as scourges of big government, and their less doctrinaire comrades.
First, the Mitterrand presidency moved from doctrinaire socialism towards pragmatic agnosticism.
And that he's not as hard-nosed and doctrinaire as he sounds.
There are not enough votes on the religious right to secure the nomination, so the successful candidate will have to appeal to less doctrinaire voters too.
This is something no one but doctrinaire devaluationists should want.
But within this period a confrontation among Muslims took place between men of doctrinaire faith and men of rational thought, and the doors of reasoning in matters of faith and law were closed.
Mr Alexander may not be quite so doctrinaire an economic liberal, say some, but, like Mr Clegg, he is intellectually closer to Mr Laws than to the soggy end of the Lib Dem spectrum.
Though a lover of modern art, Mr Danto is firm with its more formalist and doctrinaire champions, particularly Clement Greenberg, a critic who dominated the New York art world at mid-century, much as Mr Danto, with a far quieter voice, stands out now.
ECONOMIST: Contemporary-art criticism: Art��s dead; long live art | The
He missed the nuances about genetic engineering applied to agriculture and food production and as is his wont, devoted ample ink to the anti-biotech crowd, including the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology (which Pollack described only as a "nonprofit group, " although "doctrinaire anti-biotechnology lobbyists" would have been more accurate) and the radical, notoriously mendacious Friends of the Earth.