For them Pope Francis and his doctrinal conservatism will offer a semblance of stability.
Much is being made of Francis's age and that he is another doctrinal conservative.
The pontiff is seen as a conservative in doctrinal matters, as was his predecessor.
He considers social outreach, rather than doctrinal battles, to be the essential business of the church.
Such churning limits doctrinal purism, which might otherwise be expected in a new church.
He could bridge the gap or close some of the distance between social justice Catholics and traditional, doctrinal Catholics.
He was the pope's right-hand man when the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger headed the department that enforces doctrinal orthodoxy.
You are unlikely to find the Pope Tweeting radical doctrinal changes about the need for female priests, or about contraception.
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But on the institutional level, and on the doctrinal level, that is not what shariah compliant finance is about, unfortunately.
In Opus Dei, women receive the same doctrinal and theological formation as men, including those men will eventually be ordained priests.
They are finding support even from people in the anti-war lobby, which represents a triumph of personal care over doctrinal ideas.
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Now we come up to - I mentioned a little bit of history, I'd like to quickly discuss some doctrinal issues.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Raymond Ibrahim: Shariah, Dhimmitude & the Copts
The next pope may not be a clone of the last two, but his views on major doctrinal issues will be similar.
Pope Francis is regarded as a doctrinal conservative, but he is also seen as a potential force for reform of the Vatican bureaucracy.
Yet beneath the formal structures of ecclesiastical authority, the expression of religious feeling was increasingly laicised and its doctrinal base became progressively more heterodox.
Pope Francis is regarded as a doctrinal conservative, but he is also seen as a potential force for reform of the Vatican bureaucracy, analysts say.
On this doctrinal question, Lord Lawson may prove the sounder judge.
He is a doctrinal conservative (like all serious candidates for Pope).
FORBES: Don't Expect Pope Francis To Change The Vatican Anytime Soon
Some Republicans do indeed care more about doctrinal purity than winning.
But much of the doctrinal fervour went out of the Islamist revolution when its main ideologue, Hassan al-Turabi, was kicked out of the government in 2000.
Cardinal Ouellet also has a conservative reputation in Catholic doctrinal issues, a reputation that helped endear Joseph Ratzinger to the cardinals who elected him pope in 2005.
He is known for modernising a previously conservative Argentine Church, while Benedict XVI served as Catholicism's doctrinal watchdog for more than two decades before he was elected Pope.
As with all things doctrinal, actions speak louder than words.
And Mr Adams, who learnt most of his political skills from doctrinal debates with fellow inmates of the Long Kesh prison camp, is nothing if not a hard man.
Ultimately, the doctrinal issues that motivate many of the characters in the book are less important to Delibes than the unequal struggle between an established church and a repressed minority.
While not an exact scientific measure, a sampling of U.S. doctrinal writings on IW could provide a useful frame of reference and possibly some context for comparison between Chinese and American thinking.
Pope Francis is regarded as a doctrinal conservative, but he is also seen as a potential force for reform of the Vatican bureaucracy - and analysts say that may have won the support of reforming cardinals.
The clergy, in his understanding, are more akin to support staff, experts in the spiritual life who offer the sacraments and means of doctrinal and spiritual formation, but the real "action" is out in the world.
While the pro-euro camp show every sign of taking on the iron discipline of Tony Blair's New Labour, the antis are riven by doctrinal disputes which will make it difficult to develop a single, coherent message.