In the 23 years since he founded the company, he has bought and sold historical documents.
After that, Herzig continued to seek out documents, recordings and other items related to celebrity deaths.
Godfrey and Utley observe that the documents show customs and laws that changed over time.
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Negative briefing documents from FDA staff hardly represent a death knell for a drug.
Today Maddalena, 47, owns Profiles in History, a Los Angeles dealer in historical documents and movie memorabilia.
Derived from the Greek word for "circle, " an encyclical is among the church's most authoritative teaching documents.
One of the executives had buried critical bank documents on the grounds of a ranch she owned.
It brings together photographs, documents and newspaper articles, and video footage from his visit to the town.
But the documents in Azelle Rodney's case were redacted - parts of the story had been blacked out.
Also, a lot of the official documents are stored in Japan, with restricted access.
The Justice Department's inspector general has found that Alberto Gonzales mishandled top secret documents.
WikiLeaks has been careful never to confirm or deny Manning was the source of the documents.
Meanwhile, the client may not have enough insurance, proper estate planning documents, or an emergency fund.
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The ballistics and other crime scene reports contained in the documents detail a quick, brutal ambush.
Hedge fund offering documents are not reviewed or approved by federal or state regulators.
The documents and videos that they have released are true, and are exactly as described.
The reformers have become emboldened by an investigation into the leaking of papal documents.
Download the acceptance speech delivered by Alastair Clark on behalf of NIACE from the documents sidebar.
There were a lot of edits, there were hundreds of edits in these documents.
When proper estate planning is done, life insurance works hand-in-hand with the legal documents.
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Documents indicate people both higher and lower than Ralenkotter were aware of the fraud.
Yet the most striking element of these documents to modern eyes is surely their seals.
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And why would Assange hold onto the documents for so long before publishing them?
By the time of publication, the documents would be more than 14 months old.
The 61-year-old spy, Raymond Poeteray, passed on documents which included details of Nato activity in Libya.
Maybe the feds would have been happier if he fabricated the title documents too?
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Instead, they'll make sure that the documents are in order so the banks can sign off.
Caldwell says the forces retrieved a treasure trove of documents that will help find other militants.
On Aug. 22, Ardoin mailed a five-page letter with 28 separate questions or requests for documents.
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Dreier was in contact with partners at the firm last week, according to the court documents.