The Pomellato group is a profitable and growing Italian business with two brands, Pomellato and Dodo.
More than 2, 000 DODO cases sold in just the first day on the market.
We were at five employees, including me, until we landed the DODO cases business.
Aitken does not, however, see big drug companies going the way of the dodo.
If ever the Tories get back in power, such hopes will be dead as a dodo.
The museum contains exhibits of some the first dinosaurs discovered, and the preserved remains of a dodo.
The Treasury Department is making noises that its regular inflation-adjusted bonds may go the way of the dodo.
Might take a decade, might take three, but it is going to go the way of the dodo.
At the end of the caucus race in Alice in Wonderland, the dodo declares "all must have prizes".
The DODO case is a high-end iPad case that looks like a book.
Besides, like it or not, paper has gone the way of the dodo.
Numerous other dodo parts were also unearthed, such as skull fragments, beak bones, vertebrae, wing bones and toe bones.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Dodo skeleton find in Mauritius
Little is known about the dodo, a famous flightless bird thought to have become extinct in the 17th Century.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Dodo skeleton find in Mauritius
In other words, Li-ion is slowly taking over the hybrid market as NiMH goes the way of the dodo.
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The bones, thought to be at least 2, 000 years old, included sections of beaks and the remains of dodo chicks.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Dodo skeleton find in Mauritius
Customers are sitting on white plastic chairs in a circle, eating dodo, and rice and stew, and amala and ewedu.
The dodo was mocked by Portuguese and Dutch colonialists for its size and apparent lack of fear of armed, hungry hunters.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Dodo skeleton find in Mauritius
Think target-date mutual funds should go the way of the dodo bird?
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Back in January, the Transportation Safety Agency (TSA) announced that its controversial full body scanners were going the way of the Dodo.
Now, Cardoza-James Binding employs 15 people thanks to the DODO case production.
This includes the first dodo parts found in a marsh (a complete leg) and many extinct giant tortoise with beautifully preserved shells.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Dodo skeleton find in Mauritius
So I don't think email will go the way of the dodo.
ENGADGET: Interview with David E. Weekly, Founder of Coceve and
Its distribution network includes 86 mono-brand stores (45 Pomellato, 41 Dodo) as well as approximately 600 independent points of sale around the world.
Even justifying trying to resurrect a woolly mammoth, or a mastodon, or the dodo bird or any other extinct animal gets ethically thorny.
It was they who famously hunted the poor old dodo to extinction, killing off the last of the forest-dwelling creatures sometime around the year 1680.
Along the way, the model of print ads that has been more lucrative than digital ones may end up going the way of the dodo.
These days, he is preoccupied with such issues as pollution and genetic manipulation: the vanishing dodo in his Dodon't is a comment on DNA disaster.
Randall, who is working on a book devoted to other "nasty" animals, said he'd be a "dodo bird" if he didn't think Mathieu would win the Heisman.
And although DVDs and Blu-ray discs seem to have a little more life left in them, those formats seem headed the way of the Dodo as well.
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The discoveries are part of an on-going project started last year when scientists unearthed hundreds of dodo bones at Mare aux Songes in the south-east of the island.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Dodo skeleton find in Mauritius