What's at stake, what's being said that's at stake really does not pass the straight-face test.
It is thought the virus does not pass readily from one person to another.
But that does not necessarily mean that the Treasury will conclude that Britain does not pass the five tests.
The German Foreign Office does not pass this information on to the Intelligence Service or other agencies for a full week.
And if it does not pass that test, why it represents a worthwhile use of funds which are guaranteed by eurozone taxpayers.
The United States and Russia, for instance, will continue to reduce their arsenals of nukes and launchers even if the landmark treaty does not pass the Senate.
What often is referred to as a system actually does not pass as "system", but rather comes out as loosely coupled sub-systems and elements of general education.
If it does not pass by the end of September, it will have to wait until after the November elections, once again delaying a network that is desperately needed.
FORBES: D Block Decision May Prompt T-Mobile/Sprint Marriage
To her credit, Ms Lee does not pass lightly over Wharton's racism, anti-Semitism and anti-feminism, all three prejudices that place her squarely in the company of those she satirised.
"The European Commission does not pass judgment on rulings by U.S. courts and we expect the same degree of respect from U.S. authorities on rulings by EU courts, " she said.
If the USDA or a court determines that a biotech seed or crop or food does not pass environmental or health muster, it will be pulled from the market and banned.
The bad news: The new Genentech test did not reach statistical significance, meaning that it does not pass a mathematical litmus test to prove beyond a doubt that the result was not based on chance.
In sum, it appears Googleopoly has grown so accustomed to being able to dictate to everyone which information they should accept as most relevant, that they have scant self-awareness when their message does not pass the laugh test with a principled audience that was not born yesterday.
And I have certainly allowed for the fact that that measure may not pass, and that if it does not pass we will move forward and try to find a way to reach an agreement that ensures that the American people, 160 million of them, get the kind of tax relief that this President firmly believes they deserve and need next year.
Bird flu does not usually pass from person-to-person, but the disease is closely monitored because of concerns that the H5N1 virus could mutate allowing to spread more easily among people.
The H5N1 bird flu can be deadly to people, but as far as scientists know, it does not easily pass from person to person by way of respiratory droplets -- yet.
Keene said he also does not believe Congress will pass a ban on high-capacity magazines.
However, a pass does not guarantee the applicant will receive a grant but the chances of getting one are high.
BBC: National Museum of Scotland in eight new galleries plan
'We have carefully considered the details of this case, and the legal position is clear - the charity must take steps so that it does not discriminate unlawfully and can pass the charity test.
If and when that vote comes to pass and does not clear the bar established by opposition, we can discuss what other means there are to getting to the solution which is necessary, which is the assistance through tax cuts that the American people deserve.
Democrats -- noting that a patients' bill of rights has been a hot issue in Congress for five years and that Republicans will be free to offer amendments during the debate -- contend that Republicans are trying to delay debate not because they need more time but because an alternative GOP measure, backed by the White House, does not have enough votes to pass.
The doomsday scenario is on the horizon, but that does not mean it will come to pass.
Forcing mobile operators to reduce what they charge foreign operators whose customers roam onto their networks (the wholesale price) does not guarantee that those foreign operators will pass on any of the reduction to their customers (the retail price).
They are making sure the operation does not fall apart, and are determined to pass control to Afghans as soon as possible.
And that's what will happen if the House does not follow the Senate's lead and pass the extension of tax cuts for 98 percent of the American people.
Senator BARACK OBAMA (Democrat, Illinois): We are going to bring an end to this war and I will fight now in the United States Senate to make sure that we don't pass any funding bill that does not have a deadline to start bringing our troops out and a deadline to start bringing our troops home.
Delta does not read the letter sequence on Nexus cards, so the system rejected me and would not issue a boarding pass.
FORBES: Evidently Delta Never Got the Memo On America's Express Border Crossing Program
"For those affected, the years that pass since the death of a loved one does not diminish their memory, " she said.
The failure to pass a budget, a frequent occurrence in recent years, does not do much for the Philippines' image.