• At some point, however, the cycle will turn, the economy will slow, defaults will rise, appetite for risky bonds at suicidally thin spreads will evaporate, and investors will wish they had visited Crufts, not the local dog pound.

    ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

  • Being at an art show wasn't awkward with a 132-pound dog, said Ms. Dewey.

    WSJ: Fine Art Auction House Goes to the Dogs

  • At 6-foot-6 and just 180 pounds, Sale is baseball's answer to Takeru Kobayashi, the 128-pound hot-dog eating champion.

    WSJ: Chris Sale: Baseball's Greatest Metabolism

  • Maybe the barking dog really was trying to alert us to budding economic troubles before it was summarily dispatched to the pound.

    CNN: Still On A Roll?

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