Until now the economy has weathered Europe's doldrums remarkably well.
But if the travel market is in the doldrums, nothing's going to help, is it?
Far more likely to pull talented French people back home than Britain's economic doldrums is the prospect of France becoming more business-friendly.
That added to the pressure on the Federal Reserve to loosen monetary policy in order to cushion a weakening economy (See "August Doldrums In U.S. Factories").
But the Obama campaign reacted to the announcement making familiar charges against the architect of GOP budget plans and tried to tie him to the incumbent's predecessor, which is consistently blamed for the country's economic doldrums.
Russia also seems to be an exception to the economic doldrums, and it's not just the big oil producers that are thriving there.
With the doldrums in new U.S. home sales and widespread mortgage credit concerns, investors gave the home-building sector more than its fair share of shiners this week, .
Milanovic's calls for Italy to revive its industrial sector come as Croatia's economy lingers in the doldrums.
D-mark would hurt German exports, just when Germany's economy is in the doldrums.
The company's stock remains in the doldrums, it scrapped its dividend, and has already reported that it expects its figures for the first quarter of 2013 to be bad.
While the REIT's stock is in the doldrums, keep in mind that eight-year-old Prologis boasts a profitable history of selling older properties and using the recycled capital on new ventures.
The question is: Can Transformers help Viacom's Paramount Pictures out of the doldrums?
Piaf's career had been in the doldrums and she'd all but given up.
When you put all this together, it is hardly surprising therefore that RBS's share price remains in the doldrums.
But the big difference is that South Korea's economy seems to be recovering quickly from recession, while Japan's continues to languish in the doldrums.
But the challenger's ability to bounce back from the doldrums of early September has nevertheless been remarkable.
Alongside the yen's recent weakening, the renewed momentum in the world's biggest auto market could help to pull Japan's auto industry out of years of doldrums.
WSJ: Japanese Car Makers Report Production Increases in China
He was so fondly remembered from those Sporting days that when in 2010 he re-emerged as the man fronting the deal to buy the city's other club and rescue it from the doldrums, he was welcomed with open arms.
BBC: North East football agent linked to failed Belgian club
The reason the U.S. economy is so stubbornly stuck in the doldrums right now is because we have problems with both the structural and the emotional.
FORBES: People Lie To Pollsters, But Not With Their Checkbook
That's a lot of points out of a possible number of 72, so it's kind of catapulted back, or out of the doldrums, and into contention.
That's how Wal-Mart can break out of the sales doldrums and squeeze more profits out of stores.
The firm's recovery has been apparent for 18 months, after several years in the doldrums.
That idea revived a police force that had been in the doldrums and led, in part, to a 72% drop in New York's homicide rate between 1990 and 1998.
The U.S.' demographic vitality will allow it to emerge from the current economic doldrums with more rapid growth than Europe--continuing a trend that has generally held for most of the past two decades.
This boom is helping to lessen South-East Asia's dependence on exports to America, Europe and Japan, which are stuck in the doldrums.