This, and three other things, offer scraps of consolation to the doleful Mr Clegg.
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The doleful quip making the rounds is that Mr Mubarak, gravely ill, is having the last laugh.
ECONOMIST: Turmoil in Egypt
They look like scolded schoolchildren, their expressions doleful as they silently watch Powers search the compartments of the boat.
Pristine beaches, tranquility and mediation retreats can offer some remedy for doleful souls.
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Something between a sob and a siren, it is how Lamby expresses a doleful emotion that he experiences roughly twice a day.
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We also have a bit of a tendency towards doleful solipsism.
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This is doleful news: a recent study of people who had both lost weight and stayed slim found that exercise was the key to their success.
ECONOMIST: That other national expansion
Here she describes what drove the British and the Americans in 2007 to try to bring back Benazir Bhutto, a manoeuvre that showed beyond all doubt the depth of Pakistan's doleful rentier status.
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What is behind this doleful phenomenon?
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Melville reflected on his time here: 'It needs scarcely to be told, with what feelings I regarded those marble tablets, and by the murky light of that darkened, doleful day read the fate of the whalemen who had gone before me.
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