In the middle of April, 24 domestic trade associations advised member businesses to show price restraint.
Yes, even so, there will be some who simply prefer to invest in that lower paying domestic trade.
In the same way, an increase in marginal tax rates leads to less domestic trade or economic activity.
Just as higher tariffs lead to less international trade, higher marginal tax rates would reduce the level of domestic trade, or GDP.
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Where even if the profits in the foreign trade are higher than the domestic, people will still quite naturally prefer to invest in that domestic trade.
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The defense has also disclosed the existence of a statutory declaration in which a Mahathir associate, former domestic trade minister Megat Junid Megat Ayob, supposedly says that he does not believe the sexual allegations against Anwar.
The Clinton boom was delayed until his second term when barriers to international and domestic trade were lowered by the reduction of tariffs under the North American Free Trade Act, welfare reform, and a cut in the capital gains tax rate.
Actrade International, New York City, helps companies export products via an overseas network of distributors, and buys domestic commercial trade acceptance drafts at a discount.
In the statement, the ECCAS states congratulated Thailand for its March 3 decision to ban its legal domestic ivory trade and urged its vigorous enforcement.
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They are rightly considered tariffs, only they are imposed on trade among domestic participants instead of trade among participants on two sides of a political border.
Donaldson attributes the perceived severity of the crisis in Britain to the fact that the UK has its own developed domestic livestock trade, alongside a "very valuable" export trade.
"This is such a tragic case and serves to highlight the importance of proper regulation of the domestic building trade, " he said in a statement ahead of the meeting.
The bottom line: Globalization cannot be taken for granted, especially in a slow-growing world burdened with debt and old and new animosities that undermine domestic and international trade.
Their product consists of an online broking account through which customers can, among other things, trade domestic and international shares, make use of online banking facilities and read Merrill Lynch's global investment research.
Economic weakness, especially if it is expressed in rising unemployment, will, however, make the Bush administration even keener to pander to domestic lobbies for trade protection, as it already has for steel and farms.
Many are growing nicely on the back of rising domestic demand and regional trade links.
Chinese leaders are trying to nurture self-sustaining growth driven by domestic consumption instead of trade and investment.
Without free trade, domestic companies may have enjoyed monopolies or oligopolies that enabled them to keep prices well above marginal costs.
To its south, officials say, Europe has leveraged its domestic buying power, trade policy and aid to offer help to post-Arab Spring countries like Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt.
The U.S. and Europe already account for nearly half of the world's gross domestic product, and trade and investment already supports more than 13 million U.S. and European jobs.
WSJ: Tom Donilon: The President's Free-Trade Path to Prosperity
Cantor Fitzgerald, meanwhile, expects approval by Tuesday of its own proposal to trade in Domestic Box Office Receipt (DBOR) Movie Futures, which would compete with TrendEx, headed by UBS veteran Robert Swagger.
Indeed, the Polish case demonstrates the wisdom of refraining from the sort of bail-outs often recommended by those in the West motivated by such considerations as sentiment, short-term trade or domestic political benefits unless and until an actual transfer of political and economic power takes place.
The perennial idea of a transatlantic free-trade area sounds better but may well run into the obstacle of American domestic politics: with free-trade-sceptical Democrats taking over Congress, it is not an auspicious time for clinching trade deals.
An American government concentrating on bilateral trade deals and domestic politics bodes ill for the global economy.
Better still, China's growth next year will come entirely from domestic demand, as its trade surplus shrinks.
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Should nations close borders and restrict domestic and international travel and trade?
And it should look again at the domestic policies that support freer trade: notably, measures to assist workers whose jobs are displaced by import competition.
The irritations over Iran and Iraq are by no means the same but, in each, the French and Russians resent the shadow cast over their trade by American domestic politics.
That began to happen during the first quarter of this year, when a rising trade imbalance proved a modest counterbalance to booming domestic demand, and its effect is intensifying as the trade deficit widens.
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