Galfy was a respected lawyer who in recent years handled land use and domestic violence cases, according to Union County Prosecutor Theodore Romankow, whose office is prosecuting McGillvary.
Domestic violence cases in Lebanon are typically heard in the religious courts, which often respond with rulings focused on preserving the family unit, rather protecting women from violence.
"They are told to solve the problem amicably, to keep it a family issue and not cause embarrassment to themselves by bringing it to the police, " said Badreddine, who specializes in domestic violence cases.
Cases of domestic violence only become criminal cases if the police are able to establish that injuries have been serious or severe - or that death has occurred: "It becomes a criminal case when it's almost too late to respond to domestic violence, " Ms Pisklakova says.
"Refuge would like to see mandatory and comprehensive training in how to identify the risks in domestic violence and stalking cases, " said chief executive Sandra Horley.
The court heard that police and prosecutors had strict policy guidelines to adhere to in cases of domestic violence.
The approach is being used by forces around the country but, under national guidelines, it cannot be used in cases involving domestic violence and sexual offences.
The Vice President also highlighted the work of Newburyport, Massachusetts, which launched a multi-disciplinary high risk team to identify and address the most dangerous cases of domestic violence in their community.
WHITEHOUSE: Taking Action to Prevent Domestic Violence Homicide
Funding will continue for some civil cases including family law involving domestic violence or forced marriage and debt and housing matters where someone's home is at immediate risk.
Annie Munson, manager at Women's Aid Centre, a refuge in Bury St Edmunds for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence, says she has seen an increase in cases of mental abuse.
Drew Peterson had Savio arrested twice for domestic violence, though she was found not guilty in both cases.
We acknowledge the prosecutors who take on tough cases and the doctors who screen their patients for domestic violence.
WHITEHOUSE: Communities Around the Country Mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month | The White House
While the House bill contains some of the important provisions of the Senate bill, it lacks key improvements - like protecting more victims and requiring dating violence and sexual assault prevention programs on campus - and, in some cases, it actually rolls back current protections for victims of domestic violence.
The crossbencher Lady Grey-Thompson has a regret motion on the "gateway" phone system which will filter some legal advice claims, and the Labour former Attorney General, Lady Scotland, has another regret motion on legal aid entitlement for family law cases, where she's arguing that the proposed rules will deny help to some women facing domestic violence.