The health board has reassured residents the source is not thought to be linked to domestic water supplies.
However, Mr Farren said "sensitive issues" such as industrial de-rating or domestic water charging would be the subject of full public consultation.
The spokesman added that domestic water charges in Scotland were below the average of those in the privatised system in England and Wales.
Beijing's average domestic water-consumption per person has barely changed in the past decade even though prices more than doubled between 2001 and 2004.
No Indian city has a 24-hour domestic water supply, though efforts are under way to provide it in Mysore and a few other places.
Since not all goods consumed in one particular country are produced in that country, the water footprint consists of two parts: use of domestic water resources and use of water outside the borders of the country.
Local stakeholders have a direct role to play in the delivery of broader water management initiatives, through domestic initiatives such as rainwater harvesting and water-friendly garden design or simply reducing water usage or enhancing local wetlands.
Libya's rapidly growing population will need extra water for domestic use, but Colonel Qaddafi's ambition to make the country self-sufficient in food is not going to be practical.
The index combines five measures: available resources, access to water, people's capacity to afford and organise water supplies, use of water for domestic, industrial and environmental purposes, and environmental management.
The list is to be used to decide which sites of special scientific interest (SSSI) should have money spent on them to prevent over-abstraction by water-companies, which is the process of removing water for domestic or industrial use.
So far as the supply of water for domestic purposes is concerned, there is plenty to go around: domestic uses such as drinking, cooking and cleaning make relatively tiny demands on available supplies, and are generally given first call in any case.
Although the company has won some juicy concessions to supply water internationally, its domestic business is under attack (see box).
" The human right to water includes "sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible and affordable water for personal and domestic uses.
Just as iconic a symbol of the area is the hardy population of 150 or so wild horses, who have adapted to be able to go without water for longer periods than domestic horses, surviving for generations on the desert's fringe.
Globally, mountain areas are vital sources of water for agricultural, industrial, and domestic use.
There are four freshwater wells on site, including two for domestic purposes, so Mr. Sieger has no water bill to speak of.
Water abstraction, the process of taking water from a source for industrial or domestic usage, can only be carried out under licence from the Environment Agency.
This year, Chinese officials hope to cut by 7% the amount of water used to produce each yuan of gross domestic product.
Almost half of the CO2 from homes in the UK are a result of space heating, while heating water accounts for more than a fifth of domestic emissions.
So the private sector is the domestic small private sector is de facto the provider of water to the vast majority of people all over Africa and in the rest of the poor countries.
BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | Water privatisation: Ask the experts
But water users in Devon and Cornwall will see their domestic bills going up by an average of 25% between 2005 and 2010.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Devon | Concern over who pays for beaches
Usually that water is contaminated however, whether used for agriculture, domestic consumption or industry.
Other energy companies are doing much the same, focusing the booming domestic drilling and also high-risk drilling operations at deep-water drill sites.
We are very much interested in responsible but effective oil exploration and recovery, and that is why we have approved 37 shallow-water permits and why overall, as I noted, domestic oil production is at its -- last year was at its highest level since 2003.
Its domestic fields are said to be declining, spewing up less oil and more water.
The industrial sector uses an estimated 45% of water in the United States, agriculture accounts for 42% and domestic uses, like drinking and sanitation, account for a mere 13%.
With few sources of fresh water in the region, the country has relied on desalinating seawater for domestic use -- a technology that has been essential to the country's growth, according to advocates.