Worse, it will send a message to polluters that we don't take seriously our air, water, wildlife, communities or economic health.
Mr Bush's proposal of a huge tax cut might look reckless (which it is), but either voters are happy with recklessness that gives them their money back, or they don't take seriously a plan that could be changed as quickly as the White House curtains.
Ms. Fleming said she drew another lesson from her restaurant experience: Men often don't take women seriously.
Definitely there are people out there who don't take it seriously - think there's no harm - but most of us are aware of the safe sex message.
BBC: 20% of new HIV cases in Northern Ireland are men over 45
This situation leads to an infuriating vicious circle, in which teachers often don't take travellers seriously because of their poor record of staying on, thereby exacerbating their feelings of isolation and despondency.
Have fun, don't take it too seriously, forget who won five seconds after it's over.
Foxx believes audiences become obsessed with the personal lives of actors and then don't take their films seriously.
BBC: Jamie Foxx has been unstoppable on his road to Oscar glory.
Yet many of us don't take the threat seriously and make ruinous gaffes.
Most passengers don't take the danger seriously, but I did witness one woman eyeing her neighbor across the aisle, who was finishing up her business after the door had closed.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Devices on planes -- either enforce the rules or change them
Investors don't take the technologists seriously, say the entrepreneurs.
"We don't take ourselves too seriously, " said Florida Gulf Coast coach Andy Enfield, whose players tossed him in the air and doused him with water in a raucous celebration before his postgame interviews.
The dialogue helps keep the mood light as character banter flows naturally and feels like what it is -- conversations between people who don't take themselves too seriously but have experienced life-changing events.
"Don't take my tweets too seriously, " Mr. Murdoch said Wednesday, smiling, when asked about them.
"I don't take Paddy Ashdown very seriously, as a commentator or anything else, " he said.
And I just want people to understand that you don't have to take it so seriously.
Justice Leila Seth, another member of the commission, said police "don't take complaints of rape victims seriously".
The point is this: The airlines don't seem to take the danger seriously either, infusing the whole business with an aura of rubbish.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Devices on planes -- either enforce the rules or change them
"I don't think the police take stalking seriously in general, I think they have so many calls of domestic violence that they put stalking together with domestic violence - it should be separated because it is something totally different, " she said.
For those who don't take their wine consumption as seriously as my friend, I can understand the reticence of spending hundreds of pounds on wine that needs, in some cases, as long as 10 years evolution to drink at its best.
With each failed bid, Qwest is reminding the world that MCI doesn't take it seriously, and that respected executives like Capellas don't want to touch the company with a ten-foot pole.
Some explained, even if they don't personally believe in the practice, their relatives take it seriously.
CNN: Witchcraft in Tanzania: the good, bad and the persecution
If you take sovereign credit default swaps seriously (and some don't), traders now think there is a more than 70% chance of Portugal defaulting during the next five years.
We eagerly romp with him through the follies of confirmation bias (our tendency to reaffirm our beliefs rather than contradict them), narrative fallacy (our weakness for compelling stories), silent evidence (our failure to account for what we don't see), ludic fallacy (our willingness to oversimplify and take games or models too seriously), and epistemic arrogance (our habit of overestimating our knowledge and underestimating our ignorance).