But we need to do something more significant than we ve done so far.
"I am very proud of the work we have done together, " she told her staff.
Her eyes red from crying, the child said she was sorry for what she had done.
CNN: Selling Atlanta's children: What has and hasn't changed
Even folks who have done whisky tastings in the past can learn a thing or two.
However, she said work done before 2009 was partly responsible for the allegations coming to light.
When the expansion is done, 2 million passengers are expected to use the metro daily.
The other party would have acted even if the insider had not done so.
I've had my share of their riches and fame, done things I never should have done.
Clearly there is negative reactions to what I have said or what I have done.
When you are done counting, have a dim sum lunch, something Hong Kong is famous for.
Competition would then do what it has done elsewhere: generate productivity, innovation and better prices.
He has done so by completely overhauling his company to fit these straitened times.
There is no doubt that China has done well over the last five years.
So there was that question and I there's definitely an educational effort to be done there.
But those that have done it say the experience is more than worth it.
Bellamy should have done better when he was sent clear by Tevez after 54 minutes.
Testing of a Scout's game can be done at Scouting functions such as camp outings.
Depressingly, treatments do not seem to be advancing as they have done with adult cancer.
After years of investigation, Audi was exonerated, but the damage to the brand image was done.
"We have done a lot to help all the supporters who came to Mali" he said.
One of colleagues said to me was, had I done anything with my 401(k) plan?
She was certainly one of the more interesting judicial interviews that I've ever done.
Stern had never done a commercial real estate deal of anywhere close to that size.
At the moment, trading is conducted over the telephone, but may eventually be done at computer terminals.
She deeply, deeply regrets what she's done but what she's asking for is a punishment that's proportionate.
BBC: Lindsay Sandiford accuses UK of condoning death penalty
Cardiologists have done the same thing to vascular surgeons like Kenagy and their once-godlike colleagues, cardiothoracic surgeons.
And it's just becoming incredibly strained for them to do the work that needs to get done.
And when sterling falls, as it has done, the cost of raw materials and overseas-manufactured components rises.
Dr Stephen Lowry, from the University of Kent, said the team had done well to publish so quickly.
We have a clear conscience - we have done all that any country could do to establish peace.