But he's received an infusion of the donor's bone marrow cells to further prevent rejection of his new arms.
CNN: Iraq vet undergoes successful double-arm transplant
To join the national bone marrow donor register call the Anthony Nolan Trust on 0901 88 22 234.
BBC: NEWS | Health | Battling to beat black transplant odds
My dream is to give Mom the gift of life -- in the form of a bone marrow donor.
CNN: My mom needs you: Nalini's story
"As long as I live, I know I'll never do anything as important as becoming a bone marrow donor, " he said.
BBC: Georgia
The top item on the bucket list was the hope that everyone in the UK would sign up as a bone marrow donor, an aspiration which Prime Minister David Cameron praised in the House of Commons.
BBC: Alice Pyne and her sister, Milly
Being a bone marrow donor is easy.
CNN: My mom needs you: Nalini's story
That search is conducted largely through the National Marrow Donor Program, which maintains a registry of bone-marrow donors.
CNN: Robin Roberts reveals MDS diagnosis
But for this surgery, the Pittsburgh doctors would also transplant bone marrow from the donor to reduce the amount of immunosuppressants Kepner would have to take.
CNN: Pastry chef receives double hand transplant
He also received bone marrow from the deceased donor of his arms, a therapy intended to help his body accept the new limbs with minimal medication.
BBC: Brendan Marrocco, US quadruple amputee, gets new arms
The widely publicized patient, Timothy Brown, was treated for leukemia with a bone marrow transplant that happened to come from a donor with a genetic mutation that makes immune cells resist HIV infection.
MSN: Two more men with HIV now virus-free. Is this a cure?
The odds were best with a donor of his ethnicity, and there were few South Asians in the national bone-marrow database.
NEWYORKER: Small Change