• The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission - the group of donor bodies known collectively as the "troika" - are examining whether Greece is making sufficient progress towards reforming its public finances.

    BBC: Longer working week suggested for Greece

  • In 1992 a Colorado newspaper identified him as the largest donor to a conservative Christian group called Colorado for Family Values.

    FORBES: Morality Play

  • The Donor Action Foundation is a non-profit group that helps hospitals implement programs designed to improve their donation rates.

    CNN: Spain leads the way in organ donation

  • Honeywell is also the No. 1 corporate PAC donor to Democrats and, overall, the No. 10 donor, behind eight labor unions and a group of trial lawyers.

    WSJ: Honeywell Takes the Lead in Political Giving

  • It's also the top donor to Patriot Majority, a leading Democratic outside group that is running ads to help Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and other congressional Democrats.

    WSJ: Public-Employees Union Is Now Campaign's Big Spender

  • Peterson, a co-founder of The Blackstone Group, is a long-time Trust donor.


  • This Group recognized that funding for EFA is high on the donor agencies' agendas and that multiple mechanisms and development approaches already exist, such as SWAPS, PRSPs and others.

    UNESCO: Bulletin on EFA action worldwide No.45

  • But Roger Goss, of the campaign group Patient Concern said automatically classifying everyone as a potential donor may lead to the public fearing "harvesting organs has become more important than providing the best possible care" and lead to fewer donors.

    BBC: Wales politics

  • The group believes that this idea would "open up the possibility of becoming an organ donor to a much wider range of people".

    BBC: New powers call for donor cards

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