The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission - the group of donor bodies known collectively as the "troika" - are examining whether Greece is making sufficient progress towards reforming its public finances.
BBC: Longer working week suggested for Greece
In 1992 a Colorado newspaper identified him as the largest donor to a conservative Christian group called Colorado for Family Values.
FORBES: Morality Play
The Donor Action Foundation is a non-profit group that helps hospitals implement programs designed to improve their donation rates.
CNN: Spain leads the way in organ donation
Honeywell is also the No. 1 corporate PAC donor to Democrats and, overall, the No. 10 donor, behind eight labor unions and a group of trial lawyers.
WSJ: Honeywell Takes the Lead in Political Giving
It's also the top donor to Patriot Majority, a leading Democratic outside group that is running ads to help Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and other congressional Democrats.
WSJ: Public-Employees Union Is Now Campaign's Big Spender
Peterson, a co-founder of The Blackstone Group, is a long-time Trust donor.
This Group recognized that funding for EFA is high on the donor agencies' agendas and that multiple mechanisms and development approaches already exist, such as SWAPS, PRSPs and others.
UNESCO: Bulletin on EFA action worldwide No.45
But Roger Goss, of the campaign group Patient Concern said automatically classifying everyone as a potential donor may lead to the public fearing "harvesting organs has become more important than providing the best possible care" and lead to fewer donors.
BBC: Wales politics
The group believes that this idea would "open up the possibility of becoming an organ donor to a much wider range of people".
BBC: New powers call for donor cards