They can pay a few dollars to listen to, say, Flaco Jimenez, a frenetic and brilliant San Antonio accordionist, or slip next door to catch Mitch Watkins, a hometown guitar legend, or mooch even further down Sixth Street to catch a promising young funk band.
Transcoding occurs at 1:1 speed, meaning an hour of footage will take an hour of processing, but you do have the option of converting your videos immediately after they're recorded, so they're prepped before you need to run out the door to catch a flight (the actual wireless transfer takes between five and eight minutes for each hour-long show).
Finally, he stumbled down the corridor and out the front door, trying to catch his breath.
It looks like pricing will be announced closer to launch, but you might want to just start putting away the occasional dollar now, because this one ain't exactly going out the door free on contract if you catch our drift.
When he got to Bob Evans he parked a mere 60 feet from the door, yet had to pause to catch his breath before he went in.
Adil knocked softly at Mohammed's door, then staggered off to bed to catch a few hours' sleep before the day's shoot, in just three hours time.
If it is built, Muslims entering would catch sight of a small church next door, the two religions finally operating officially shoulder to shoulder.
She's been known to sew buttons, remove stains and even catch you on the way out the door to stop a stocking's run in its tracks with a dab of clear nail polish.
Soon, fans began parking in the driveway to catch a glimpse of Mr. Patterson and the estate next door, which was previously owned by John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
He goes up to the jet-bridge and stands at the open door of the plane, greeting customers and calling out the name of his intended catch.
Turn down the thermostat at home without leaving the office, catch live video of your pets with your smartphone, or lock the back door from the other side of town.
ENGADGET: AT&T to release Digital Life home automation in March
At the door, a handsome, clean-shaven man with gelled-back hair is trying to catch my eye.