The set hints at life beyond high school, including a Columbia University dormitoryroom that appears to be outfitted for female freshman, with sparkly sneakers and film-noir posters.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has the most skin in his particular game, controlling 29.3% of the Class A shares of the company he launched in his college dormitoryroom in 2004.
Two days after that attack, on April 17, Kadyrbayev told law enforcement officers that he drove to Tsarnaev's dormitoryroom on the campus of their southern Massachusetts school and texted to his friend to come down to meet him.
That winter, I packed a suitcase and took an empty, overheated Greyhound bus to the state mental hospital, where I trudged through blinding drifts of cold and was shown to a room in a staff dormitory.
Most services offer a mixture of sleeper compartments with room for two or four passengers, six-person dormitory-style couchettes and seat accommodation.