The next hurdle was getting the microscopic particles of powdered insulin into easy-to-handle packages in uniform doses.
Preferentially picking off birds whose flight seems compromised, falcons will be getting disproportional doses of oil.
Insiders are entitled to sell modest doses of company stock to pay for their vacation islands.
"We could make roughly 54 million doses next year ... maybe more, " Adams said.
CNN: King: H1N1 worries increase awareness on college campuses
Outside of a clinical trial, patients may be more likely to forget their doses.
First, the patient is given oral doses of hormones to mildly stimulate her ovaries.
To make sure the drug was safe, he swallowed high doses for a month.
The first gives about 95% protection against measles, while two doses gives 99-100% protection.
Atropine is a poison, but in smaller doses will have positive pharmacological effects on the body.
It has revamped a giant factory in Belgium to produce tens of millions of doses.
Like Kevorkian's previous patients, Youk initially thought he was going to inject himself with lethal doses.
High doses of the drug, meanwhile, killed three of eight mice, the Pfizer study says.
The main competition is not another company's drug but low doses of Genentech's cancer fighter Avastin.
Cardiologists agree that most of those people should be getting statins, potentially at high doses instead.
The clinical trial that pointed out a problem used doses of double or quadruple that.
He added that the low doses of hormones would make the Nuvaring particularly popular.
The tight confines of the airplane gave them especially heavy doses of secondhand smoke.
In actual practice, schizophrenia drugs tend to be given in doses higher than the approved levels.
So, people who are taking Orlistat need to have excess doses of these nutritional materials.
Two cholesterol-lowering drugs sold only by prescription were in lower doses considered for over-the-counter sale.
They then found that increasing doses of cocaine had no effect on the flies.
Today the Left is marked by equal doses of doom and gloom, irrationality and delusion.
That was split evenly across two different doses of Acomplia and a sugar pill.
Drugs could be delivered right to a tumor, allowing for higher doses than possible now.
Hormone therapy may be safe only at low doses for short periods of time.
Treating seeds in this way enables farmers to use lower doses of insecticide than spraying.
FORBES: Bee-ing Smart: Regulators Must Distinguish Activists' Bad Dreams From Good Evidence
Hall says that the new study may have underestimated the doses some people received.
Her liver was contaminated with fatal doses of metals such as aluminum and arsenic.
Her bone marrow got completely bulldozed by four doses that most adults could not survive.
Declining unemployment will be a tonic available in small but increasing doses in 2011.