Canadian officials had at first been sceptical about Gouzenko and were doubtful about offering him asylum.
At least the term has caught on, even if people are doubtful about what it signifies.
Although Albertsons had an estimated 2.4% net margin last year, Wall Street is doubtful about its prospects.
Other countries are doubtful about the constitution, especially Poland, where Eurosceptics also did well at the European elections.
But while some in the Church are already talking about "John Paul the Great", others are more doubtful about his legacy.
He was doubtful about the ability of the army to cope with conditions in a land they had no knowledge of.
She said she was doubtful about whether civil partnerships would be an election issue, despite having contacted a number of candidates.
Doubtful about the accuracy of Mr. Hornsby's data, Mr. Berger checked it against the NFL data set and found Pro Football Focus was nearly perfect.
The country's monarch, King Sihanouk, said on Monday that he was doubtful about mediation efforts by ASEAN, as well as France, the United States and Japan.
Young women think the information they get from their friends is rather good, and young men are rather doubtful about the information they get from their friends.
They were doubtful about going to war, but, after weeks of Blairite persuasion, a big majority against in the opinion polls turned into a majority in favour.
Williams, Ferrari and BMW Sauber are also doubtful about starting the season with Kers in place, while McLaren could only confirm the system was not causing them any problems.
One clear danger is that they may alienate customers, who will welcome better service but may be more doubtful about uses of the technology such as finely segmenting the market or targeting customers individually.
In a region where four of the five countries (Finland is the exception) are either doubtful about joining the single European currency or certain not to, there is a reluctance to swallow nostrums from abroad.
When I talked recently (via email) with ex-BMW chief designer Chris Bangle he was doubtful about driverless vehicles simply because the liability issues it created needed to be resolved before the cars could go on sale.
But skeptics remain doubtful about similar claims, calling some charlatans and others well-intentioned people who are merely delusional, according to Joe Nickell, a senior research fellow for the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal.
CNN: Visions of death: Can psychics 'see' what detectives cannot?
"If a store is only marginally profitable, any further costs like this might mean either they won't build new stores where they're doubtful about profitability, or they might close stores that might become unprofitable in the future, " Mr Naish said.
Those who doubt the UK government's case, set out on Tuesday, for building a line between London and Birmingham are going to be even more doubtful about the benefits of a colossally expensive link to help out the potential foreigners north of Gretna.
Professor Tim Morris, who heads the program and has studied the way leaders help or hinder innovation within their organization, says he is doubtful about the notion of the "heroic" leader, a charismatic, totemic figure who pulls subordinates along in his or her all-powerful wake.
President-elect BARACK OBAMA: It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
Americans hold their military in very high regard, even as they are much more doubtful and divided about the 10 years of foreign wars.
Doubtful as he is about the enterprise, he can see no alternative to American leadership.
About that he remains doubtful.
ECONOMIST: Businessmen are starting to challenge the authorities
This is doubtful but it does make me wonder about the afterlife of the thousands of industrial eyesores just sitting unused in our oceans.
FORBES: Audacious New Concept Turns Oil Rigs Into Luxury Homes
We'll see if a different viewpoint makes callers into sports talk radio any more knowledgeable about the game, but that seems doubtful.
Indeed it is doubtful that the technology exists in the form people have been talking about, another point I will come back to.