But that is not likely to do much to stop the steep increase in the price of gasoline at the filling station down the street.
The province's main power station at Kilroot, near Belfast, was shut down following a technical problem with generators and the other power station at Ballylumford, near Larne, was only partially working.
Sue Stevenson, who works down the road at a petrol station, feels differently.
Half the soldiers slept at the aid station, while Romesha and his men bunked down in the barracks.
It is far more adventurous and cheaper to venture down to Khreschatyk station and get out at the next stop, Arsenalna.
At Finse station, passengers climb down to the platform with packs and sturdy boots, their breath visible in the cold mountain air.
The downhill race on Sunday saw competitors plummet 550ft down the 1.75 mile (2.8km) boulder-strewn course before finishing at the bottom gondola station at the Nevis Range.
Infantry staged at the station will now make their way down Mainstreet and secure the statue and the moat.
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Highland Council also hopes a closed down railway station at Conon Bridge can be revamped and reopened before the road works start.
This low, air resistance creates drag, so the station is constantly slowing down and losing altitude at the rate of about two miles of altitude every month.
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The devastating Niigata-Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake of July 16, 2007 caused all units at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station to be shut down, and left us with a mountain of challenges in maintaining stable supply of electricity, making ends meets, and addressing environmental impacts.
At the next service station, Romney borrowed a hose, washed down the dog and the car, and resumed the journey.
"At King's Cross station there is a rescue operation in the tunnel down on the line, " he said.
They stayed at a lodge on the edge of town, down by the river, by the former train station where the outbuilding had burned.
The auditor also expressed shock at how poorly North Down Council handled the purchase of 14 ejection trailers for its new waste transfer station.
The court heard that Mr Tierney and his friend were at the station to get a taxi when he felt tired and went inside to lay down on a mat just inside the entrance doors.
Other times, when he's on a plane or waiting in his car at a gas station, he comes up with the formulas in his head and writes them down, specifying how many grams or drops, without tasting them until they're blended.
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At 3:22pm ET today, the SpaceX Dragon capsule splashed down safely in the Pacific after departing the International Space Station earlier this morning.
Winner was reportedly offered an OBE for his charity work the following year but turned it down, saying: "An OBE is what you get if you clean the toilets well at King's Cross station".