The morning coat, a pared-down frock coat, though still very fitted, set the trend for smaller coats.
Ally took down her coat and suggested they walk along the river.
Now in its 24th year, one of my all-time favorite print ads for the New York Cares Annual Coat Drive continues to show the Statue of Liberty sitting down in bad weather wearing a coat.
She opened the coat, got back down on her knees, and with one hand yanked the skirt of the coat up behind her, folded over on itself, so that it was out of the way.
When cooking the fish skin-side down, be sure to coat the pan completely with oil, and to watch the fillet closely.
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During the show, the model Karlie Kloss vamped down the runway wearing a green trench coat tied at her waist.
Button-down collars also work with a sport coat and no tie.
WSJ: Guide to Men's Shirt Collars: Which Styles Go With Which Occasions and Flatter the Face
During one of her womenswear shows in the early '90s, a model walked down the runway in a handsome navy coat so perfectly tailored that retailers and editors swooned.
Among the possibilities: Have astronauts wear a deployable shield resembling a heavy winter coat or have them hunker down in a storm shelter aboard the spacecraft during periods of high solar activity.
If either candidate has coat-tails that reach right down to state level, he can influence the party balance in the state legislatures which, after 2000, will be redrawing the lines of congressional districts (hence affecting future elections).
Lemme tick off a bunch of breed points for poodles: Tail set, topline, feet, condition of coat, soundness moving up, down and around the ring, placement of ear leathers, under jaw, color of eyes (dark and almond-shaped), layback of shoulder, expression and temperament.
My thoughts already halfway down memory lane, I go to get my coat.
The suit's W-collar seems to have developed from turning down the stand-up collar of a frock coat, which in turn derived from army and naval wear.
The train window was so dank with mist anyway that it was hard to see anything at all except the reflection of my own dark figure hunched down under the baggage rack in my black tweed coat and hat.
Wearing her trademark high heels and lab coat, she helps patients and guests track down lost articles.
Cashin found his notebook and wrote down the names and the number, put the paper back in the coat.
The Park51 space, a former Burlington Coat factory, is a five-story, mildly run-down building.
With a daring coat, it is essential to keep the rest of the ensemble pared down.
Eva turned and saw Harley in the shelter of the porch behind her, his coat buttoned up to the neck, a thick woollen crew cap pulled down over his ears.
The 4-by-6-foot color photograph of a wintry outdoor scene portrays a woman in a fur coat staring up at an apartment building where a water leak has cascaded down the cement facade and hardened into a frozen waterfall.
She tightened her scarf around her neck, tugged up her coat collar, lowered her head, and walked toward Broadway with her fists punched down into her pockets and her purse clinched under her arm.
Fans of a tweed sport coat with corduroy pants for the office should opt for the sporty feel of a button-down collar.
WSJ: Guide to Men's Shirt Collars: Which Styles Go With Which Occasions and Flatter the Face