On the platform, researchers push pieces of fish down a pipe that goes right to the bottom of the water.
But Lilly needs to stay on the minds of doctors who prescribe antidepressants because it has another one coming down the pipe.
The foul water, released, went gurgling down the pipe, and at that moment Shelley was washed through with one of her hot flashes.
If you're a fan of the Facebook Messenger app keep your eye out for an interesting update coming down the pipe today for both the iOS and Android versions.
ENGADGET: Facebook adds voice recording to Messenger, testing VoIP service in Canada
In true mini-golf fashion, the other easier option at the volcano theme hole will let players hit towards a mound from which the ball will be whisked nearer the hole down a pipe.
In effect, the client passes the very small amount of data from keypresses or console clicks to a data centre, and streams the video and audio resulting from those clicks back down the pipe to the screen.
FORBES: OnLive Has Launched in the UK - Testing and Response
Unlike most tech companies, Apple is in the unusual position of making its own hardware and software "They don't like information getting out about their roadmap, or partnerships, or anything that could come down the pipe, " Hargreaves said.
From the top down, the ARCHOS GamePad looks priced to compete, but to survive the onslaught of affordable tablets and controller solutions coming down the pipe, it will need to deliver exceptional build quality and no-hassle game compatibility when it launches in October 2012.
FORBES: [Updated] The ARCHOS GamePad: 7" Android ICS tablet with a built-in controller
The coming switch from analogue to digital would liberate industries that had been constrained by the limit on the number of cable channels that can be bunged down a pipe, or the handful of broadcast channels that can fit into the airwaves allocated to television.
Syria will put pressure on the guerrillas to pipe down, but it cannot silence them altogether.
The two dogs have learned to pipe down long enough for the county to dismiss the four citations.
WSJ: Hawaii Turns to Dog Shrink as 'Incessant Barkers' Cut Plea Deals
Biscom aims to offer as many services as possible down the same pipe.
Mr. Bolcik wrote his friend and told him he was going to block him from the page if he didn't pipe down.
Raw sewage trickled from a broken pipe down the street, and the 37-year-old insurance agent scolded his two sons for playing nearby.
Mr Macdonald told the court that there was no film in the camcorder and Podesta said he had dropped it down an organ pipe.
Sangamo scientists tether to the zinc finger a protein that contains the instructions for the targeted gene: turn on, turn off, get louder, pipe down.
No other is so dependent on international trade and investment from multinational companies, giving it, you might have thought, an incentive to pipe down a bit.
The next decade may find 4.3 pedabits per second traveling down that solitary pipe--enough to beam a family reunion in holographic form into every living room in Manhattan.
He has since bowed to pressure to pipe down in public (though he denies having done so), confining himself to encouraging peacenik Jewish dissidents not to turn their backs on the mainstream community.
That chorus is unlikely to pipe down.
ECONOMIST: Not quite a love-in, but too important for a dust-up
Severn Trent said the problem affecting Ysgol Bro Ddyfi in Machnylleth was down to a burst pipe, and 45 people had phoned to complain that they had no water.
In the 17th century an ingenious smoker came up with the pipe tamper, or stopper, as it's known in England, a tool for pressing down lit tobacco in the pipe's bowl.
In ranging, they withdraw the drill pipe and put down an electrical cable and actually try and sense the magnetic field around the wellbore.
Two lofted beds flanked the large room, and high overhead, an umbrella hung upside down from an exposed ceiling pipe, as if Mary Poppins had once crash landed naked here.
For investors in NIR Group funds, however, the most troubling disclosure in the litigation is that on Tuesday PIPE Equity wrote down its NIR assets down to 30 cents on the dollar.
The first trial run demonstrated that 1 km of high-density polyethylene pipe could be laid down over mountainous terrain and in windy conditions in just nine minutes.
FORBES: Startup Aims To Install Pipelines With Helicopters...Seriously!
There are plans to pipe water from Austria down south to much dryer countries like Spain - but some people who live at the source of the water in the Alps are not keen on the idea.