The solar cell manufacturing industry for years made do with hand-me-down tools from the computer chip industry.
And a union call to down tools is invariably answered by far more than just the union's paid-up members.
Such prospects are unpopular in Germany, where the unions have said workers will lay down tools on Thursday to protest GM's decision.
Following strikes by engineering workers last month, building workers laid down tools this week for the first time in over 50 years.
ECONOMIST: The right in Germany: Edmund Stoiber sets out his stall | The
Exhausted rescue teams laid down their tools as a two-minute silence was observed.
Other measures include "bell to bell" working, whereby workers will not be able to down their tools until their shift is over even if they have filled their quota.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | West Midlands | Land Rover workers accept changes
Particularly in Confucian societies in East Asia, people are more keen to hand down the latest tools and knowledge to the next generation.
In order to celebrate the tools we use every day, has counted down the 20 most important tools of all time.
Shares of life sciences tools companies are down sharply Friday morning following a stark financial warning this morning from Illumina, a provider of gene sequencing tools to pharmaceutical companies and researchers.
FORBES: Life Science Tools Stocks Crushed On Illumina Warning
Trading tools break down, in real time, the positions of a single trader, his team and the entire firm.
The New Options Project, an investment of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, is currently testing tools to break down barriers to employment among out-of-school, job-seeking young adults while meeting employer demands for qualified entry-level workers.
Winmill points at the debt ceiling debate as one of the factors helping to push the price of gold higher, recognizing that along with ultra-loose monetary policy, the government is running out of tools to bring down unemployment rates that have crept past 9%.
FORBES: With Gold Set To Peak At $1,700, Miners Like Goldcorp Look Cheap
When mentioning tools the ideas stay down to earth, are realitic and maybe even realizable.
From 1995 to 1997 he ran its European power-tools business, bringing down high overhead costs by removing 50 vice presidents.
If a large financial institution should ever fail, we will have the tools to wind it down without endangering the broader economy.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Hails Progress on Wall Street Reform
Microsoft needs to step up with the first party tools to make this go down.
And as those tools mature, prices will come down and their possibilities will be even brighter.
While HR IT teams certainly do, their tools tend to be very bogged down with old systems.
FORBES: The Rising Challenge Of Social Business To HR Departments
Ultimately this bag of tools may hone a software package down to its minimum number of steps.
At the top of the screen you will see the tools tab and from the drop down menu select add-ons.
In the military, for instance, tools like satellite phones have broken down some barriers that would have better been left standing.
Social media tools are particularly adept a knocking down barriers between people and departments, just what the doctor ordered for this profession.
At the end of this month, they will announce a new research consortium with a number of other multinational agri-biotech firms, to pin down apomixis through the sharing of high-tech genomic tools and databases.
Many of the tools currently used to do this are cut-down versions of similar programs used in TV stations and can be expensive to use.
The decision to bring the shuttle down came after one of the orbiter's three key navigation tools -- an inertial measurement unit -- stopped working.
They're just teaching us how to set and lock trailers down and, you know, teaching us how to use certain tools, different tools like the Jackson, the leveler, you know, different kinds of saws that we'll be using cutting the wood.
Valarmadhy inches forward, using small tools to clear a strip 1m (40in) wide, digging down to 6in - the accepted safety depth - to ensure there are no mines between herself and the nearest visible mine.