After two years they had a cumbersome system and a grand total of two dozen articles.
There are several dozen colonial houses to choose from, ranging from modest to lavish.
Approximately three dozen animated characters, like Dumbo, pass by the portholes throughout the day.
This online community is coordinated by a team of fewer than two dozen people.
FORBES: Ending Dunder Mifflin: A 21st-Century Way To Save America $250 Billion A Year
That contrasts with about two dozen that have been on the receiving end of a downgrade.
Work has now been completed to realign and level a dozen collapsed gravestones and control overgrown vegetation.
But more than 100 companies are under investigation, and about three dozen executives have lost their jobs.
He has a dozen or so hives around the area and others in different parts of the city.
Half a dozen dogs lie sorry-looking or listless in the yard -- thin, hungry and thirsty.
CNN: A bizarre visit to John McAfee's pleasure palace in Belize
Dealbook highlights the dozen of so high-level departures at JPM over the last year.
FORBES: 4 Reasons JPMorgan Needs Jamie Dimon As CEO And Chairman Right Now
The flames were chewing thick, dry brush that hasn't been burned in about a dozen years.
More than a dozen FBI and local law-enforcement officials went to the West New York, N.
The stock has temporarily stopped trading, and Livent has been hit with half-a-dozen class-action suits.
Some doors had a dozen business cards tucked into them, from reporters all over the world.
He's subjected two dozen or so of them to one-hour interviews to determine their worthiness.
But over the last few years we've only had maybe a dozen major strikes per year.
He played only about a dozen times while in office, but he loved to putt around.
There are more than a dozen incompatible yet fundamentally correct ways to measure time: Earth-centered?
Since then at least a dozen other programs have launched and several more have been announced.
FORBES: Bike-Sharing Grows Up: New Revenue Models Turn a Nice Idea into Good Business
More than two dozen quakes recorded since Wednesday have been centered north of Morrilton, Arkansas.
He sent in about a dozen shots, and to his surprise several started selling.
Take it from psychologist Bella DePaulo, who has authored a dozen studies on deception.
There are at least several dozen players dividing up what is now a highly fragmented market.
Strobel, often accompanied by his wife, Susan, has hunted fungi in at least two dozen jungles.
Now a half-dozen TV networks are throwing their own chips behind casino card games.
But on March 6th it reoccupied Bunia, Ituri's capital, and a dozen airstrips and villages nearby.
Click here for investment ideas from more than two dozen newsletters available from Forbes.
There could be a dozen or more self-proclaimed experts and a market in total disarray.
FORBES: Lack Of Authenticating Expert Renders Valuable Artwork Practically Worthless
Modern life is Taylorized life, the Taylor biographer Robert Kanigel observed, a dozen years back.
In the early seventies, Watson, along with some two dozen other environmental activists, created Greenpeace.