The draft plan is due to be published for public consultation in the spring.
On October 24th the federal government finally produced a draft plan for how to do so.
Residents can view the draft plan and submit feedback via the Northamptonshire Police website.
Ms Fabiani said the draft plan aimed to encourage appreciation and use of the language.
In late October, Iraqi officials submitted several amendments to the draft plan to U.S. negotiators in Baghdad.
Earlier estimates suggested a pandemic could cause 89, 000-207, 000 deaths in America, but a draft plan leaked recently suggested 1.9m.
He said the wording of the draft plan had been agreed and would now be sent out for public consultation.
China Daily says the draft plan "aims to streamline government agencies that may have overlapping functions and generally reduce red tape".
The proposed changes to Gloucestershire County Council's structure plan follow a government panel's report on the draft plan in March 2004.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Gloucestershire | Homes plan reprieves green belt
Environmental campaigners say that a draft plan to respond to an oil spill in the Arctic ocean is inadequate and vague.
Those are the targets contained in its draft plan to aid economic recovery in its area over the next five years.
The draft plan sets out policies for Loch Lomond and the Trossachs, which was given its special status nearly three years ago.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Lomond park strategy is unveiled
In a draft plan the authority said it had identified four sites and that 19 pitches should be in place by 2017.
The World Trade Organisation has been drawing up a draft plan to let developing countries override patent laws and import cheap generic drugs.
In a draft plan the authority has identified four sites which could be suitable and said the plan would be delivered in two phases.
The draft plan would require Iran to send about 1, 200kg (2, 600lb), or 70%, of its low-enriched uranium to Russia by the year's end for processing.
It was unclear when the proposed regulation, which was included in a draft plan presented to the Dominican Republic's president on Wednesday, would go into effect.
Under the draft plan, 1, 000 volunteers will be asked to "fight crime and create a visible presence" as part of a special constabulary and as volunteer wardens.
Mr Simmonds said he wanted Northamptonshire to be the "safest place in the country" and the draft plan set out a goal of reducing violent crime by at least 40%.
Both Russia and France - as two of the five permanent members of the Security Council - have the power to veto the US draft plan, as does permanent member China.
The draft plan published on Tuesday features a second runway 1, 130 yards south of the existing one and adds that a third passenger terminal "could and should be located between the runways".
BBC: The second runway at Gatwick could not be built before 2019
The Americans object to a draft plan to strengthen the treaty by giving foreign inspectors the right to check others' installations, believing it puts American companies at a disadvantage while still allowing miscreants to cheat.
One example was his guideline under the draft plan that people who didn't suffer amputations and who spent an equal number of days in the hospital get the same payouts, even if one person's injury is far more severe.
The draft plan reported by USA Today calls for an eight-year path to permanent residency for undocumented immigrants, who would face a criminal background check and have to pay back taxes, learn English and get a new "lawful prospective immigrant" visa.
The draft plan would make the tax system more efficient while boosting revenue by lowering the top income tax rate to as low as 23%, from 35% now (and 39.6% if George Bush's tax cuts expire) while shrinking many tax credits and exemptions, such as for mortgage interest.
Jersey's new draft energy plan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.
The draft financial plan will now need to be approved by the full council on 26 February.
Speaking on BBC local radio, Mr Stansfeld defended the strategic objectives of his draft crime plan for the next five years.
BBC: Thames Valley PCC says crime plan targets are 'realistic'
The inquiry, being held at South Somerset District Council offices in Yeovil, looks at issues raised by the recently-published draft local plan.
In 1998, as an adviser to a previous government, Mr Takenaka helped to draft a plan to restore the budget's primary balance by 2007.