They are helped by the overloaded justice system, where even minor cases can drag out.
Their aim seems to be to drag out the case while the powers-that-be decide what to do.
He said that Miss Bhutto had deliberately tried to drag out the trial, which had lasted a year.
Lopez said he expected a "knockdown, drag out" series, and interim coach P.
Arbitration hearings on this issue are ongoing in Chicago, but analysts say the deliberations could drag out for several years.
But does he want to drag out the agony of almost inevitable eventual defeat right until Super Tuesday in early March?
Even if the south has no chance of winning the oil back, it may drag out legal proceedings to satisfy its hotheads at home.
ECONOMIST: A ruling from The Hague pleases the north and vexes the south
The over-abundance of long cut-scenes and fully voice-acted, animated sequences felt out of place in an MMO and made the game drag out unnecessarily.
Legislative debate over the draft could take all year, legal experts said, and could drag out even longer if preparations for mid-2014 elections complicate matters.
And I've been very clear to Iran and to our negotiating partners that we're not going to have these talks just drag out in a stalling process.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Santos Hold a Press Conference | The White House
He also warns that Congress cannot afford to drag out the confirmation process for Cabinet members, particularly with the U.S. dealing with a financial crisis and two wars.
Like the TiVo case, VOOM and others demonstrate that a determined party can drag out the legal process and prevent the other side from obtaining a remedy for harm it has suffered.
This case demonstrates that a determined infringer can make minor changes, drag out judicial proceedings, and seek to run out the clock on a patent, thereby squandering both judicial resources as well as incentives for innovation.
FORBES: TiVo V. EchoStar: Abusing The Courts Instead Of Respecting The Patent
And they will drag out the process for a very long time, and in some cases, workers who are joining unions or want to join a union or are helping to organize one may get intimidated.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Talks with Virginia Families on the Economy | The White House
Instead, the Tory's leader in the House, Lord Cranborne, privately told the government his backbenchers would use trench warfare tactics to drag out the passage of the bill through the Lords and so secret negotiations began.
The Class Action Fairness Act was intended to prevent what business interests have described as the gaming of the legal system by plaintiffs' lawyers to drag out lawsuits and make fighting them so expensive that companies would rather settle than continue in court.
Undoubtedly, this will drag out.
FORBES: Can of Worms: Will Debt Collectors Dial John Edwards' Number?
These things cannot bring success, let alone drag you out of the abyss, in and of themselves.
FORBES: How to Save Best Buy, Radio Shack From an Ugly Death
To not drag them out of that engagement and get them into gift-giving mode is a huge win.
FORBES: What Is Facebook's Future As An E-commerce Platform?
Nor has stronger trade managed to drag GDP out of the trough, despite sterling's 20% trade-weighted depreciation since before the crash.
The fourth-wicket pair showed great heart to drag Worcestershire out of the mire, gradually cranking up the run-rate as the innings progressed.
This process can take years if you want to drag it out long enough, through appellate courts and a long and exhausting appeals process.
Banned for life from their event after a knock-down, drag-out fight, they return from years of exile to compete as the first all-male pair.
Indeed, he says, the TNT investigators had knock-down drag-out fights about exactly what should go in their endpoint--some researchers wanted to include stroke, some didn't.
Once the conversion is complete you can drag it out of iTunes and post, send, share or put on your music players, phones, or whatever.
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Many will want to show their appreciation for someone they believe had tried to drag Serbia out of the dark days and into a new future.