After the week-long, at times draining, services of Holy Week, Rome is still up for a celebration.
With treatment, which usually involves antibiotics and sometimes draining of the wound, about 75 percent survive.
It was light at the end of a draining day, more like relief than joy.
But there's another resource-draining plague afflicting these countries, one hiding in plain sight: smoking.
Chinese technocrats have been, in various ways, draining money from the economy to rein in inflation.
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Our jobs will become more draining, our careers less inspiring, our boss more frustrating.
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Maybe head off to a far away place, alone, to relax from an emotionally draining year.
The end of the "Black Pump" followed reunification, essentially draining the veins of Hoyerswerda.
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Last month, research showed that free mobile apps were also overly draining battery power.
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The Medicare fund could be bare by 1990 and draining reserves out of the other two.
When it judges that some jobs are draining profits and need to be cut?
It has been and remains a physically and emotionally draining time for many farming families across Wales.
Typically wells run for 12 hours, but they are running continually now, draining power and business accounts.
The past few days have been the toughest, saddest, most frightening, and emotionally draining of my life.
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"We wanted to get this issue resolved because it is draining a lot of energy, " Jonas said.
But society disagrees and will eventually force you out of business by draining you of your capital.
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This is partly a function of the draining effects on personnel and resources of two protracted conflicts.
Cruise for hours at a battery-draining 80 mph without nervously eyeing the range indicator every five seconds.
Forward Camille Little iced the championship game by draining two clutch free throws with six seconds left.
While being perpetually on the move is exciting, it can also be draining, and we miss our family and friends.
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There are six holes in my lip where the infection has split through the skin and still draining.
When I see a woman who is pregnant, I actually get very emotional, I find it emotionally draining.
Management has cut costs, jettisoned underperforming products, and spun off a chip-fabrication business that was draining needed capital.
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The government is distributing bed nets, draining mosquito breeding grounds and spraying huts with DDT to kill mosquitos.
As portable devices become more sophisticated, with added functions and large colour screens, they are draining batteries faster.
Again, soldiers were going in and taking them out one by one, a painstaking task, an emotionally draining task.
The Italian bond rate reached a record of 7.48% last Wednesday, draining investor confidence and hastening Mr Berlusconi's departure.
Food production has been complicated by a severe drought that is draining lakes and reservoirs at an alarming rate.
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But providing long-term care privately can be both terribly expensive and emotionally draining.
It took over a year to get divorced, and it was financially draining.