Draped in vines and thick vegetation, the hills permitted only the narrowest of beaches along their periphery.
His fingers are no longer tapping on the dashboard but draped around his pointed knees.
One side is draped with black tarpaulin with flags from different African nations emblazoned on it.
Gerald Wallace inbounded to Williams, but Jennings was draped over the point guard's right side.
He also had a room of inspiration, with glass cases filled with tchotchkes and fabric-draped couches.
During his visit, a massive U.S. flag is draped over the side of the damaged building.
James draped his arms over the wheel and rested his chin on them, staring out.
Several hundred people followed the coffin which was draped in a UDA flag, beret and gloves.
Cherokee Plantation , six owners later, is a Spanish-moss-draped monument to selective southern hospitality.
Kennedy lay in repose Thursday evening after his flag-draped casket arrived at the John F.
Rank-and-file staff say sensitive projects are draped with cloth before they're even brought into work.
In October, pranksters draped a team scarf around the statue's neck during local car races.
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When we came up, at least a 100 more sea lions were draped on the rocks.
It draped the caskets of men I served with and friends I grew up with.
The coffins stood draped in Kurdish flags inside the community centre amid flowers and burning candles.
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Following takeoff, the woman fell asleep and had her jacket draped across her legs.
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Seated on top is a small bowl of sweetened caviar, delicately draped by an edible gold leaf.
Not worn, but draped casually over one sculpted shoulder so as not to obscure one's rock-hard pecs.
Inside Kit Willow's chic, bi-level boutique, Willow, you'll find flirty draped frocks in organza and tulle.
Swahili day beds piled with hand-woven pillows and draped with romantic netting front wooden balconies, all with similarly cinematic views.
He left the field on a cart, a towel draped over his head, his hands to his face.
Quentin Hardy will be draped over a chair text messaging , or else sharing Silicon Valley gossip with Victoria.
Mancini, draped in a scarf of City's colors, was also pleased with his reception from the club's supporters.
Facing him across the ring, similarly draped, will be Richard Scase, a business professor at the University of Kent.
She draped her hand over its shoulder, and when it did not quiet she rolled it closer to her.
I've traveled to Dover to meet the flag-draped caskets of 18 Americans returning home to their final resting place.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan | The White House
More than 200 caskets were lined up at the funeral, draped with flowers.
I've schlepped and cooked and waitressed and bartended and draped -- I was even a musician at one time.
Above the lobby a dozen or so flags of other countries are draped over the edge of a balcony.
"It's something that's draped and easy, not too complicated or tightfitting, " she says.