Bulls have gained good upside near-term technical momentum recently, which is also drawing in buyers.
This offers value to potential customers, drawing in the ones you can genuinely help.
Social games like the insanely popular Farmville are certainly drawing in lots of players.
He likes to travel by car, drawing in the back of his chauffeur-driven Audi.
The recession is drawing in new recruits, too, which will help to change attitudes.
They want to sell more abroad to make up for consumers at home drawing in their horns.
Mr. PAJAUD: It's the greatest drawing in the history of black art, as far as we're concerned.
Parts of the fence veer off the Green Line, drawing in some Jewish settlements close to the border.
Pop art is currently in vogue with a number of retrospectives drawing in a new generation of fans.
Now that the establishment has succeeded in drawing in newcomers, however, it's not exactly sure what to do with them.
But the property recovery is drawing in a new generation of developers who may have learned from their predecessors' costly mistakes.
And if a Hebborn forgery should merit museum standing, then there was one more drawing in the world for people to relish.
FORBES: Eric Hebborn Wants To Teach You How To Forge Art. Got A Pen? [Book Excerpt #2]
Again luck and timing worked in his favor as markets like Kazakhstan and Libya opened up, drawing in the world's oil majors.
It is shaping up to be a fierce competition, drawing in such seasoned military-radio players as Exelis, Harris and Northrop Grumman.
She loves fine linens and recently traded the Connaught Hotel in London a drawing in return for a box of its sheets.
Facebook has succeeded in drawing in lots of people to their community.
The South Africans won 11 out of 15 Tests in 2008, losing two matches, winning the series in England and drawing in India.
The difference is that Brazil's market is open and drawing in enormous amounts of foreign capital, says Citigroup Latin America strategist Geoffrey Dennis.
Richardson anticipates that until Russia develops a coordinated framework of boating facilities, it will have difficulty drawing in all but the most intrepid seafarers.
So it's probably not my favourite ground as far as memories are concerned - drawing in 2005 to lose the series and now this.
The system appears to be drawing in large numbers of people who have no firm career goals but failing to help them acquire focus.
And one of the most interesting things that's happening there in Najaf is the increasing drawing in of the clergy into the political process.
The small and sleek corner space gets packed out quickly at weekends, drawing in locals with classics such as fish and chips or a full English breakfast.
Syria's government hailed parliamentary elections last month, the first to be held under a new constitution, for being pluralistic and drawing in new political parties.
But in recent years the movement has pushed beyond its anarchist roots, drawing in old folk and corporate executives as well as the usual kids.
ECONOMIST: Now it's for corporate executives and old buffers too
While line-drawing in taxes in inevitable, sometimes the lines seem silly.
The museum plans to display the drawing in an upcoming exhibition.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Van Gogh work 'by another artist'
He seems a quick learner and has built up an impressive team of advisers, drawing in seasoned hands like Paul Volcker, Robert Rubin and Larry Summers.
It can also provide gentle guidance to those who are perhaps a little more used to drawing in their MIDI notes one by one with a mouse.
ENGADGET: Ableton Push review: a dedicated controller for the Live faithful
As traders can see, they give very disparate pictures, but it is my opinion that technicians will be drawing in one or the other of these two lines.