• Drawing on original sources in Chinese and English, she recounts the events of the period in fascinating detail.

    ECONOMIST: A time when the West clamoured for free trade with China

  • Ed Balls, the National Institute for Economic and Social Research and some others think the weak state of the economy is partly Mr Osborne's fault, or at least something he ought to have taken more account of in drawing up his original plan.

    BBC: Autumn Statement: A wintry statement of reality

  • Character Group admits drawing some inspiration from the original Action Man, but believes their range for the MoD goes further.

    BBC: Harmless toy or recruiting sergeant?

  • He would have to deconstruct the copy by considering the purpose of each mark in terms of the problems of drawing from life, and then reconstruct the original on another sheet of paper as it would originally have been made.

    FORBES: The Case Of The Art Forger Who Restored Dead Painters' Careers [Book Excerpt]

  • "Bayonetta 2" was announced as a Wii U exclusive, drawing howls of protest and disbelief from many on social media who enjoyed the original on other consoles.

    CNN: Nintendo Wii U: Your reactions

  • Facebook's original users, college students, have graduated but still use the site, drawing in their peers in the process: the average Facebook user is now over 30 and a member of the workforce.

    ECONOMIST: Monitor

  • The book's messages are common sense--try "seeing things from a different perspective, " be more "original in your approach to leadership"--but the hope is that drawing comparisons to a stand-up comedian can help leaders approach their work more creatively and, of course, with some humor.

    FORBES: Leadership

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