Plesa draws a line through the Derby, writing the race off as a weather-related misadventure.
It draws a line under a practice which is no longer acceptable in a modern Scotland.
Drawing a pyramid on a piece of paper, Nedoroslev draws a line through the top tenth and shades the bottom.
The DSHEA law draws a line between synthesized medicines like aspirin and remedies made from herbs, minerals, vitamins and amino acids.
It seems that Casey draws a line between offering information about a candidate and urging employees to vote a certain way.
But Mr. Chung draws a line at most contemporary business leaders, however.
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He draws a line however at insulting or demeaning his religious beliefs.
Today's decision finally draws a line under the Crown Office's Oil For Food investigation, which we believe is in the best interests of shareholders.
"Whilst we hope the hearing draws a line under the last three-and-a-half years, we appreciate no sentence could reflect the pain the Handford family have suffered, " she said.
George Bush's proposals will probably pass constitutional muster because the first amendment draws a fuzzy line between church and state.
Obama draws a straight line from the way her parents, Fraser and Marian Robinson, raised her to the world as it ought to be.
Meglena Kuneva, the Bulgarian member of the 27-strong European commission, draws a dividing line, not between old and new Europe but between "lazy and zealous Europe".
White, a software manager by day, draws the line at carrying a balance.
Now Merkel is saying autos are a special case and draws the line elsewhere.
The line a company draws can be difficult to approach.
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Now, she's released a debut album called Jidka: The Line, which draws on her musical and cultural heritage as a Somali exile.
She swiftly draws an invisible line around each calf with a lipstick-sized tube and hikes up the thick white socks slumped around her ankles.
The Scot squeaked into the second spell of qualifying and will line up in 15th place as he draws the curtain down on a career that has spanned 15 seasons.
As a lifelong New Englander, she takes the snow in stride, but draws the line at storms after March 31.
Essentially, Pfizer draws the line of "invention" at the moment when researchers actually figure out how to make a drug.