Part of the river gets dried out during the dry seasons in the jungle.
As the course slowly dried out Friday, mud balls became somewhat less of a problem.
The whole place had to be dried out and dehumidified before any work could start at all.
The same smell of winter clothing that never really dried out, of boots soaked through to dirty socks, unwashed feet.
To make matters worse, once the streets finally dried out, Hurricane Rita sent more water in to the Lower 9th.
Thursday's rain-hit session at the Catalunya circuit saw Australia's Mark Webber record the fastest time after conditions dried out in the afternoon.
In Ruthin, an independent investigation is continuing into why the newly-built Glasdir estate was badly hit, forcing residents into temporary accommodation while properties dried out.
The library said hundreds and possibly thousands of books had to be dried out after water used to fight the flames leaked through five or six floors.
We had the collapsing table, which sent ballot papers skimming in every direction, and the non-waterproof ballot boxes, the contents of which had to be dried out with a hairdryer.
Having obtained planning permission for the work he said it would start as soon as the ground dried out enough to be able to take the mechanical digger needed for the work.
In places like Syria and southern Iraq that are now being dried out by the Turkish dams, irrigation is primitive - often involving nothing more than water trucks pumping water out of the Euphrates and driving it over to fields that are often less than a kilometer away.
The final round played out somewhat like a U.S. Open with the elements, the dried-out fast greens and the fescue-lined fairways working like a demolition derby on the 74 players who qualified for the final round.
Way too many Italian reds and Spanish Riojas tasted like licking a splintery, dried-out wooden board.
' Ringo, happily chewing on a dried-out chunk of homebaked olive bread, pays no attention.
Some scientists said they thought they saw evidence of tiny fossils that looked like dried-out life from Mars embedded in the meteorite.
So Jack, a doughy, sardonic carnivore, is saddled with a tetchy lesbian vegan who eats dried banana out of a plastic bag.
In 1892 an ambitious irrigation engineer and hustler named Charles Robinson Rockwood came up with the first plan to harness the river's wealth, a canal that would funnel water into a dried-out riverbed, irrigating the surrounding desert.
Whether filming hippos in the clear water of Mzima Spring, flamingo chicks in a dried-out soda lake or the complex layers of life within a massive baobab tree, the Roots always let their subjects tell their own stories making astonishing discoveries along the way.
Through a sidelight at the rear door he watched the flames race in the wind, flowing under his car and fanning out to light the corncrib, the smokehouse, and the big sagging barn, which went up in a howl of crackling lumber and dried-out hay.
They have already spent an evening at a safari park where they laid out dried food to attract the creatures which they filmed to study their various behaviours.
Once the bot gets dried off (and thawed out) from its arctic expedition, the next tour of duty is already lined up, as Isis will head off to the Portuguese coast to do a bit more sightseeing.
ENGADGET: Britain's Isis ROV set to trawl the depths of Antarctica
To that end Ebro is branching out from its main dried foods business to frozen foods, particularly popular in North America, and fresh foods which is growing fast in France.
Canned or dried food keeps well, but switch out non-perishable food about every six months to keep your disaster kit fresh.
CNN: Food Central - Y2K supplies: A preparedness checklist - December 9 , 1999
The ski valets open lockers, pull out boots (which are dried overnight), and help guests put on all their equipment from boots to gloves.
One theory is that a cooling event at the end of the Eocene dried up swamps and rivers, forcing animals out on to the land.
When the sand ran out of the economy, my business dried up in a matter of months, as it did for many others.
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That changed in the mid-1980s, when microscopic sieves--spread throughout steel tubes 30 feet long and 4 to 5 inches in diameter--were developed to filter out undesirable elements before the whey is dried to a powder for use in food manufacturing.
That changed in the mid-1980s, when microscopic sieves--spread throughout steel tubes that are 10 meters long and 10 to 12 centimeters in diameter--were developed to filter out undesirable elements before the whey was dried to a powder for use in food manufacturing.
People living here in Palo Alto, Mountain View and the rest of Silicon Valley have been in a shopping frenzy, snapping up potassium iodide pills, dried foods, emergency kits and various other supplies out of concern that Northern California could receive a dose of radiation from the nuclear mess still unfolding in Japan.
FORBES: Radiation No Threat To Silicon Valley, Santa Clara County Says