From Austria to New Zealand, I have scoured the map for examples of easy-drinking bottles that will pair well with whatever you serve, whether it is turkey, ham, wild game or fish, or simply to round off a memorable day.
The visitors watched raptly, scribbling in white binders and drinking from bottles of Sparkletts water.
The good news is that people are drinking more water out of bottles.
Flint castle was shut temporarily in 2007 after vandals were drinking on site and threw bottles at staff.
Indeed, the gilded youth of Istanbul in their Italian clothes were sitting under huge windows through which the lights of Asia and the Bosphorus shone, drinking, like us, bottles of Rioja Alta.
The only trouble came a few hours before the game, when a dozen young Russians threw glass bottles at Chelsea fans who were drinking outside a popular bar.
Scientists have just unveiled an easy-to-use, inexpensive method for removing arsenic from contaminated drinking water using chopped up bits of discarded plastic bottles.
FORBES: "Plastic Bottle" Filters Can Help Millions Poisoned by Arsenic-Contaminated Water
This is how I whiled away one long summer night at a wedding reception on the Baltic coast of Sweden: hearing toasts, crooning local drinking songs and draining a profusion of little nips bottles of something called snaps (which is pronounced "schnahps, " but is very different from dessert-like schnapps).
When we think of Earth Day, many of us think of good ol' hippies bent on living off the electrical grid, drinking spring water from somewhere and recycling everything -- bottles, shoes and lint maybe.
"My husband only ever commented on the number of bottles in the recycling, " said Lucia, who eventually quit drinking altogether.
Those bottles send a better message to me and the rest of the wine-drinking world about what Bordeaux is capable of.
In the 1970s and early 1980s, it had a reputation for worker absenteeism, drinking and drug use, and overall shoddy quality (workers were alleged to have put empty Coke bottles in door panels, so the bottles would rattle and annoy customers).
Sometimes I was drinking a bottle of whisky and I couldn't even get drunk, so I'd go onto two bottles of whisky a day, wake up, fall asleep, wake up, start again.