At the end, he was so desperate that he slashed both wrists with a broken drinking glass.
Tumblr (pronounced as tumbler, like a drinking glass) is a website styled much like a blog but with microblogging elements.
She declined to confirm or deny reports that David Cameron was drinking a glass of wine during the meeting at which he told her she was being sacked.
Scientists in Israel have shown that drinking a daily glass of the fruit's juice can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
This new generation of beer demands a different kind of drinking: Raise a glass, and drain it slowly.
High-sugar diets, obesity and smoking all lower HDL, while moderate drinking a glass of wine a night, for instance can raise it.
Mr. Awn doesn't advocate drinking a 12-ounce glass of kombucha in one sitting.
Robinson openly scorned his whiskey-drinking and promiscuous teammates, once tossing a glass of scotch into a lighted fireplace to demonstrate how lethal liquor is.
WSJ: Chris Lamb: Jackie Robinson��Faith in Himself, and in God
The Melrose Avenue bar celebrates drinking en francais with 10 French wines by the glass, 15 champagnes and a few French-style beers.
The only trouble came a few hours before the game, when a dozen young Russians threw glass bottles at Chelsea fans who were drinking outside a popular bar.
In the case of alcohol, there's clear evidence that heavy drinking is harmful -- and even a daily glass of wine may increase the odds of a baby being born underweight, which carries additional risks to its health.
As with many other Protestant countries, the UK has a tradition of seeing drinking as an exciting vice rather than something more everyday, such as a glass of wine with food.
Now for the very important question of Utah's drinking laws, since what is the point of all this good food if you can't enjoy a glass or two of wine with it?