It has been quite a few years since any self-respecting coffee snob took auto-drip seriously.
She was hooked to a monitor and had an intravenous drip in her left arm.
His doctors also inserted an intravenous drip in his arm to reduce the chances of infection.
Then two years ago he saw a drip irrigation system being demonstrated in his village.
Clothes shops will start selling the drip-dry, non-iron stuff they flog in the rich world.
But he notes that any blue chip stock with staying power makes a good DRIP candidate.
Because this sort of slow-drip approach is costing a lot of innocent people their lives.
And some garden drip irrigation systems, which use lengths of perforated hose, are also exempted.
It is believed she is being fed through a drip to build up her strength again.
He previously ran his own successful drip irrigation business in the Middle East and North Africa.
One such, a girl from north-eastern Liaoning province, lies in bed, a drip attached.
ECONOMIST: How one enlightened Chinese province deals with addiction
It's clean, quiet and a rarity among drip machines for maintaining the optimal 200-degree brewing temperature.
But modern drip irrigation uses underground computerized probes and long plastic tubes to slowly release water over long distances.
The constant drip-feed of bad news on the environment has inured us to the litany of loss.
Israel is experimenting with drip hoses as one way to vastly reduce the water wasted in irrigation.
But the fluid was allowed to run freely into her body instead of in a regulated drip.
There are pilot-projects with fast-growing trees that can be pollarded for firewood, and drip-feed irrigation for saplings.
ECONOMIST: Missing trees reflect the country's woeful recent history
They invested in new drip-irrigation systems and computers for packing houses that sort by size and color.
He recommended that the farmer switch to drip irrigation, and get some fans in his greenhouse, too.
Small price rises for water have led to more rational planting, and to techniques like drip irrigation.
The MGM Mirage company installed low-flow bathroom fixtures inside its 11 Las Vegas hotels and drip irrigation outside.
Their chosen act, Safura, was the first contestant to perform on Saturday's show with her song Drip Drop.
Doctors put her on an intravenous glucose drip after she collapsed unconscious on Monday in her prison cell.
Getting into DRIP and direct purchase plans is easy to do over the telephone and on the Web.
If you reinvested dividends paid by a bond ETF or DRIP last year, then you bought new shares.
It is a slow drip of surrenders and alterations until you no longer recognize something you once loved.
Click here for more of Chuck Carlson's analysis of dividend reinvestment and direct purchase stocks in DRIP Investor.
But the aid will be drip-fed, and the taps turned off at any deviation from an agreed programme.
The flow of press releases that had already slowed to a steady trickle is now more drip ... drip.
Your auto-drip coffee maker might be covered in buttons and features and timers.