He finally obtained a driving licence two years ago and says he has never looked back.
Residents must show valid government-issued photo identification, such as a passport, driving licence or consular document.
People without a passport or driving licence are required to get a special identification card.
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Even American Latinos who happen to be out without their driving licence might be at risk.
"If she does not have a driving licence then she would be house-bound, " he said.
He's also doing a European Computer Driving Licence course, learning how to build and fix PCs.
Mr Courmouzis said he remembered the issue also coming up in 2008 when Huhne lost his driving licence again.
As well as being jailed for eight months, Kelly was also given six penalty points on his driving licence.
His Porsche Panamera was impounded in Manchester in November as he could not produce a full UK driving licence.
Kupka was also found guilty of having another man called Pavel Michalec's driving licence in his possession in September 2009.
She never had her own house keys or bank account and Mr Philpott kept her provisional driving licence, jurors heard.
But she later lost custody after failing to produce her driving licence and missing a test for drugs and alcohol.
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The court heard long queues and poorly informed staff at driving licence centres would complicate voter efforts to get the required documentation.
Fiscal depute Alison Wylie told Justice of the Peace Pam Marrs that the lawyers had sought to protect Sir Ranulph's driving licence.
The new ID cards will, it is true, be much harder to forge than a bank statement, or even a driving licence.
He was said to be a young, inexperienced driver with a clean driving licence, of good character and with no previous convictions.
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Scrapyards that signed up to the scheme request a passport, national identity card or photo driving licence, as well as proof of address.
Former cabinet minister Chris Huhne has admitted perverting the course of justice by asking his ex-wife Vicky Pryce to take his driving licence points.
Google was awarded an autonomous car patent in 2011, and secured a Nevada driving licence for its self-drive car in May 2012.
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The by-election was called after Huhne resigned as an MP following his admission he had perverted the course of justice over the driving licence points.
If you change your address or name, you have to tell the DVLA, so that your driving licence and car registration details can be updated.
Anyone buying alcohol in Newquay must show a passport or driving licence to prove their age in a clampdown on under-age drinking in the resort.
The campaign is funded by money from speed awareness courses drivers attend when they are offered an alternative punishment to points on their driving licence.
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Meaningful fines and a points system, similar to the driving licence scheme, so traders who get pulled up more than three times can automatically lose their licence.
The British Heart Foundation (BHF) called the driving licence pilot "a welcome step forward", but it too is warning that it will not solve the shortage of organs.
Getting a driving licence involves a payment of 2, 200 rupees.
The by-election was called after former Lib Dem cabinet minister Chris Huhne resigned as an MP following an admission he had perverted the course of justice over driving licence points.
The striker, who did not attend the hearing in person, admitted not having a proper UK driving licence but said he was not driving when his car was caught speeding.
Previously, blue badges were made from card and hand written, but from 1 January disabled drivers will be able to apply for an electronically printed badge, much like a driving licence.
Kadri, who pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing, was sentenced to eight months in jail for failing to stop after an accident, failing to report an accident and having no insurance or driving licence.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Southern Counties | Driver jailed after hit-and-run