But if lots of people drop it, customers who want it would have to pay more.
Mr Fryer's response is: let's see if it works and drop it if it doesn't.
"I took my chopsticks and picked up a scorpion, praying I wouldn't drop it, " Block recalls.
She called home and asked her mom to drop it off at the school office.
Before then, all the editors could do would be to run the piece or drop it.
Barrett says that Landry's case was pulled because his employer threatened to sue him if he didn't drop it.
It should rescind the national sales tax increase that raised it to 5% and drop it back to 3%.
You can drop it on the ground many times and it still works.
Combine whiskey, sugar, and water in a warmed coffee glass nad twist the lemon peel over and drop it in.
The vouchers part is weedy, and Mr Bush has signalled that he is willing to drop it in any case.
During his demo, Podrebarac reportedly fumbled one of the test vials, prompting the amused crowd to call out: "Don't drop it!"
This means the robot can distinguish the type of waste based on its colour and drop it into the appropriate bin.
The company states that there is no setup or install process, you drop it into your pool and press the clean button.
FORBES: iRobot Cleans Your World -- Floors, Gutters, and Pool. What's Next?
Start one thing, then drop it when a better shot comes around.
When a product is sold, sellers can print out a shipping label, attach it to the package and drop it at the post office.
FORBES: Social Commerce Site Copious Raises $5 Million Series A
The suggestion is that there is news there and you guys are just waiting for the proper time to drop it, likely after November.
Since its threat of force has revived enthusiasm for real inspections, America is unlikely to drop it until the inspectors have done their job.
ECONOMIST: No peace in the Middle East without disarming Iraq
Each cardinal then places a folded ballot containing his choice onto a small disc made of precious metal and drop it inside a chalice.
Install ForgetBox on your computer, select what you want to send, drop it in ForgotBox, choose names from your contact list and forget about it.
We have seen in Massachusetts and elsewhere that people will wait until they need the insurance, then get it and drop it when the illness is over.
At airport security, you pull your laptop out if its bag, and (nightmare of nightmares) you drop it by mistake, cracking the screen and ruining the hard drive.
The Xperia acro S has the highest level of water resistance of any smartphone, so you can drop it in your drink, then shake it off and carry on.
ENGADGET: Sony's Xperia acro S now on sale in unlocked form for $600 (updated: new pricing)
On the other hand, the Commerce Department said the economy contracted by only 5.5% in the first quarter, a slight improvement from the 5.7% drop it had previously recorded.
The top rate of income tax will be eased too, albeit from 53% only to 49% (against the Christian Democrats' attempt, scotched by the Social Democrats, to drop it to 39%).
The clip was shelved after production when the monetarist camp in his campaign led by Milton Friedman convinced him to drop it, although it did make it on the air by accident.